Entries by Inma

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Lights, camera, action…

How are you?I am very pleased to see you here once again, please take a seat , abstract yourself from whatever is not your-self, for this is the moment to share these lines. The credits of the film start and finally the title “ Forrest Gump”.  Correct, today we will get into the movie moods… […]

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Do you like to look yourself in the mirror? Have you ever thought that the image the mirror reflects back to you, maybe does not match how other people see you? Mirror..mirror From my point of view everything is connected: I look myself in the mirror and I judge myself depending on how I feel […]


I snap my fingers and I appear next to you!

Magic, stars, energy, LOVE…yes, love is the engine of life, love is in the air, love moves everything, love is always the best option and the only answer.  Make yourself comfortable and take a  spectator´s seat…prepare yourself, be ready, done!..let the magic begin! I snap my fingers and I appear next to you! I belong […]

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I dare to be

This triggered  a sequence of words like: “different, freedom, breaking the mould, get out from the status quo, dare”.  Another sentence followed automatically “I dare to be “. Soon after, another mental click takes place and I ask myself “ would it be possible to see sheep more weird than a black one? What if […]

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20 year is nothing

The new post of my blog starts paraphrasing Gardel´s beautiful tango “ Volver”. This is a very intimate space and I am thrilled to share this with you,it is based on facts so real like life itself. Early this morning, while I was opening the drawer of one of my piece of furniture in the […]


How could I manage this

Since I was very little I have let my intuition guiding me. That soft little voice coming from deep inside, pushing us to get on that long desidered train..despite feeling the vertigo just before jumping on it. This same little voice came to visit me on the second day of the “involuntary meditation” that we […]