Entries by Inma

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Free or a slave to…?

Today, my dear friend, I propose we see life under a new perspective .  I sit down comfortably,ready to write this post with the clear idea to focus on this topic as if we were playing a game.  Maybe it will help to make this controversial and sensitive subject a bit easier. Be prepared  to […]

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5 Ls

5 is the number, the richness of the meaning of these 5 words carries with it a great deal of wisdom and the success of any human being´s existence.  Today I give a wink at the English language and I will tell you the five English words: LAUGH, LISTEN, LOVE, LEARN, LIVE  Hello once again, […]

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I AM GRATEFUL  …from MORNING till NIGHT, grateful for HAPPINESS and SADNESS, for SINGING and CRYING, for YOUTH and MATURITY, for THE BEGINNING and THE END of everything…I am grateful for everything I have learnt through my experiences, which is not much, and for this, I am open to the unmeasurable magical of the UNKNOWN, […]

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The body language

Today I will approach my blog with a smile, a symbol of joy, a GESTURE of happiness, an EXPRESSION of satisfaction, so welcome to the fascinating world of THE BODY LANGUAGE. The more we deepen in our SELF-KNOWLEDGE, the more precise we can be at the time of establishing  COMMUNICATION with our 3 PARTS: the PHYSICAL,  […]

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The awakening

The act of bringing back into awereness a “MEMORY”, a feeling, a desire, an idea…etc or bringing back to memory somenthing latent or something already “FORGOTTEN” The awakening The wide definition of this verb defines perfectly the feeling of the coming back to the real existence. It is that feeling that embraces every human being, […]


With my hands on the dough

Welcome everyone, please do take a sit and let us have some fun togehter in this space dedicated to another of my many passions: the art of cooking With my hands on the dough I am writing to your from my wooden table, in the kitchen. For me this table represents the temple of creations […]


How many twists and turns…

How many twists and turns   These are the preliminaries of this week´s post, my dear friends. It is soaked with seawater. I am not sure why and I simply do not care. I have just sat down in front of my laptop and I let my fingers dance freely on its keyboard. How many […]

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How do you see it?

In these days I was planning to  produce a new video about Balance-in to post it in my socials and finally I made my mind up. How is it possible, I can see it clearly and vivid in my mind but the result is not exactly what I want to communicate? Well, that is easy, […]