Entries by Inma

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That Blue Book…

I adore that wellbeing´s boost produced by the endorphin´s release I experience every time I go shopping for myself. I simply love feeling that emotion when I wear or experience somenthing new.  This is so certain, that in many occasions, while still in the changing room, I have asked the attendant  “ Can I wear […]

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Do you remember me?

So real like life itself. How many times have you been introduced to someone who said he/she has met you before and you DO NOT REMEMBER HIM/HER?…His/her name, the place you met him/her for the first time, who introduced each other..how embarassing!  In front of such affirmation and seing the person is so sure we […]

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When PSYCH-K® found me

It seems like yesterday but in reality 12 years had passed by ….since that June when, with firm decision, I went to university. I wanted to learn about the HUMAN MIND  and its prodigious PROCESSES in more depth. Since I was a young girl I felt fascinated by the world of PSYCHOLOGY, but as you […]

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With or without?

Different tastes, colours, as many as you can find in a rainbow…I find myself in one of the supermarket´s aisle,  in front of a battalion of unending combinations and permutations of the same product. There are so many to choose from that it would be better to work out a scheme, use a strategy before […]

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Everything comes and goes

One more day to live. I sit down to write about myself, my feelings, what is going on in my life in these days. I am observing the beauty in the photo I am sharing with you today and suddenly a wave of thoughts flood my mind, so many, that my fingers are unable to […]

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Let´s go shopping!

I am going shopping, are you coming? I am sure you won´t deny this is one of the most desirable PLEASURES of us women, since the  use of reason.. It seems like yesterday, when I was 5 or 6 years old, and I used to hide in my mother´s wardrobe.. I simply loved to put […]

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Color(=Color) Calor (=Heat)

It is a pun, a game of perceptions and feelings. Is this perception common to everybody or are there many ways as there are people to perceive it? Two names, substantives, bringing to life two wonderful concepts, very different or very close, depending on your interpretation, written almost in the same way, apart from one […]


The Divine Comedy

Let us play down the present problematic circumstances and have a look at the amazing piece of literature wrote by Dante “ The Divine Comedy”. By saying play down, I do not want to suggest  we should live our life with closed eyes and indifference, on the contrary, with eyes wide opened, keeping calm, observing […]

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Evolution or involution?

I wake up; an amazing morning here in Sevilla, an unbelievable mild temperature for being August, we could easily think we are in October. I am enyoing this rare fresh weather so much as this is so, so unsual for this time of the year. I start with my daily rituals, which I change sometimes, […]

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It is one of those unplesant days when you feel everything inside you is stirred, upside down and you are not sure if it is for this or that; maybe because my partner did not give me the attention I was expecting, or the cashier at the supermarket looked at me in disaproval while putting […]