Entries by Inma

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Just do it!

I REMEMBER MYSELF AS A CHILD… I remember my head, lying on top of the pillow in my bed…I remember my eyes closed… I was half asleep, speaking to THE THREE KINGS… especially to Balthasar, my favorite King, telling him: “bring me what I have asked you for…come on, I am sure you can…even though […]

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December 25th

The countdown has started…we are 6 days away from the end of the year 2020.  If we add up the numbers and we reduce them to their value, the result is obviously 4…a number that spiritually speaking, is associated with the earth and the strengths of nature: four are the seasons, the cardinal points and […]

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Come back…come back home

It was just a matter of hanging up the phone the other day after I spoke to my son..I saw it clearly..” come back..come back home”. It was impressive how those images from an advertisement, popped up from my mental archives and took shape in my head.. The theme : Christmas sweets and the coming […]

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The Shepperds to Bethlehem

Without even realizing it, we are already in the middle of the Christmas Festivities. I was not totally aware of it until yesterday, when a woman, in front of me in the supermarket´s queue, happily asked to the cashier “do I weight the Christmas sweets I have chosen, here in the fruits section or do […]

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I feel an immesurable peace when I listen to the words and the piano´s sound of this hymn to life: you are a dreamer…but you are not the only one…dreaming about living a life in balance and plenitude.  This is how John Lennon, a myth, a musical genius,  lived his life, in the same way […]

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The faithful gardener

The title may result familiar to you as it has been used before in one of John Le Carre´s books. The focus, of what I want to emphasize in this space, has got nothing to do with the plot of  the book I have just mentioned. This is another clear example of the prism everyone […]

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Desire or necessity?

I would like to have your opinion, my dear friend. I can almost feel our INTERACTION from here and I love it! Me, in front of  the keyboard writing and you reading it. Do you think DESIRE AND NECESSITY go hand in hand, separatly, do they include or exclude each other? I have my opinion, […]

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Are you asking or making a statement?

“Maybe, I do not know, it could be that..” they are all expressions associated with QUESTIONS, doubts, inquiries.  “ Of course, take it for granted, absolutely yes “  confirm or support a STATEMENT. Questions and statements are both based on OPINIONS, clear and pure  SUBJECTIVITY. How can a piece of information be considered TRUE?  True […]

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Music soothe the savage beasts

Music is for me the soundtrack of life…  Music in any of its forms; just a few notes…organised in a particular order to create a MELODY, with or without words. Possibly the most ancestral human FORM OF COMMUNICATION, able to put together in a simple DANCE the greates variety of people,  their expressions, their memories… creating […]