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Come back…come back home

vuelve a casa por navidad

It was just a matter of hanging up the phone the other day after I spoke to my son..I saw it clearly..” come back..come back home”. It was impressive how those images from an advertisement, popped up from my mental archives and took shape in my head.. The theme : Christmas sweets and the coming back home feelings…CHRISTMAS AND EMOTIONS running high.

Come back…come back home

I describe the scene to you: for me that was one of those advertisements which gets stuck into your memory and reminds you immediately that we are in the middle of the CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES.

The young generations do not have a clue of what I am talking about but I can assure you, that if you ask your oldest, they will burst out laghing and saying “ of course I remember that advertisement and its catchy little song too..”

I have always been a confirmed EMPHATIC PERSON, so much I could almost go through the tv screen to share and feel the amazing FEELING OF HAPPINES of that mother in the advertisement, when she was opening the door to her son, at the time living abroad and coming back home for the festivities.

Speaking to myself I said” it would be fantastic if Pablo came back home on a Friday,the day I post my blog..and for my surprise I soon realised that the day18 is on a Friday…Eureka!

Life is like that and now Pablo and I are the protagonists of the story…a little bit different because I will not open the doors at home..instead I will be in the first line at the Seville ´s airport standing like a statue on that 18 evening… able to be standing there with a placard..ha, ha , ha…nonsense!  Just to see the expression on his face…” Muuum, come on, if you don´t set up a performance you are not satisfied..your unbelivable..”

The countdown has already started

I must recognise that I have not lost any essence of the child I was and still carry on being. Is there anything more lovely than being able to express freely what you feel?

I am going back to meet again with the youngest of my kids, with myself and with my SELFAWARENESS.  I am conscious that even though he is coming back to live at home after the Erasmus, the countdown has already started…you know, dear parents, this is the moment in which they get really independent… just the memory of those years of hard work remains, with that uncertanty of having done the right things or..maybe I should have done this or that..at the end these are the RISKS PART OF THE JOB, every dad or mum is conscious of it.  This is the most important task  life puts in front of us, a task we ask for, from the exact moment we decide to place the order to the stork…

The most challenging tasks of my life

In my experience, being a mother has been one of the most challenging tasks of my life.  For good or for bad, in my case luckily for good, I am unable to teach theoretically..this is why for me PREACHING BY EXAMPLE has been my modus vivendi,  the only way in coherence with who I am..and this has been somenthing my children could never recriminate to me. In this respect I used to tell them and still do; What can we do about it..there is only one mum and I am the one you got.

The list of wishes for the year

Going back to the going back home, a bit redundant and a toungue twister too, it is TIME TO TAKE ACTION.. it sounds familiar, does it not?  Yes, I am suggesting to you, my dear friends, to start writing THE LIST OF WISHES, GOALS and everything else that comes into your mind for the year we are going to receive…Let us begin from the BLACK LIST, the one stating that from this year on, you will not fail to fulfill.. RESOLUTIONS that disappear like bubbles soap year after year..

I will always have a life jacket available to put on

In case it is of any help to you, I personally use a technique, which is older than walking forward but notheless very effective: I put my trust in the DIVINE PROVIDENCE, MY INTUITION, MY OTHER SELF, or whatever you prefer to call it..I have the absolute certanty I will always have a life jacket available to put on. In one way or another the MESSENGER AND THE MESSAGE get delivered to me…It is something like our GUARDIAN ANGEL, who is permanently next to us..the same one that once we recomend ourself to, before falling into a deep sleep, bring us the right answer like MAGIC.. As it is said “ if you do not know what to do, it is better you do nothing,…simply let Morpheus embrace you, consult it with your pillow and the morning will bring you a GIFT IN FORM OF SOLUTION
