vuelve a casa por navidad

It was just a matter of hanging up the phone the other day after I spoke to my son..I saw it clearly..” come back..come back home”. It was impressive how those images from an advertisement, popped up from my mental archives and took shape in my head.. The theme : Christmas sweets and the coming back home feelings…CHRISTMAS AND EMOTIONS running high.

Come back…come back home

I describe the scene to you: for me that was one of those advertisements which gets stuck into your memory and reminds you immediately that we are in the middle of the CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES.

The young generations do not have a clue of what I am talking about but I can assure you, that if you ask your oldest, they will burst out laghing and saying “ of course I remember that advertisement and its catchy little song too..”

I have always been a confirmed EMPHATIC PERSON, so much I could almost go through the tv screen to share and feel the amazing FEELING OF HAPPINES of that mother in the advertisement, when she was opening the door to her son, at the time living abroad and coming back home for the festivities.

Speaking to myself I said” it would be fantastic if Pablo came back home on a Friday,the day I post my blog..and for my surprise I soon realised that the day18 is on a Friday…Eureka!

Life is like that and now Pablo and I are the protagonists of the story…a little bit different because I will not open the doors at home..instead I will be in the first line at the Seville ´s airport standing like a statue on that 18 evening… able to be standing there with a placard..ha, ha , ha…nonsense!  Just to see the expression on his face…” Muuum, come on, if you don´t set up a performance you are not satisfied..your unbelivable..”

The countdown has already started

I must recognise that I have not lost any essence of the child I was and still carry on being. Is there anything more lovely than being able to express freely what you feel?

I am going back to meet again with the youngest of my kids, with myself and with my SELFAWARENESS.  I am conscious that even though he is coming back to live at home after the Erasmus, the countdown has already started…you know, dear parents, this is the moment in which they get really independent… just the memory of those years of hard work remains, with that uncertanty of having done the right things or..maybe I should have done this or the end these are the RISKS PART OF THE JOB, every dad or mum is conscious of it.  This is the most important task  life puts in front of us, a task we ask for, from the exact moment we decide to place the order to the stork…

The most challenging tasks of my life

In my experience, being a mother has been one of the most challenging tasks of my life.  For good or for bad, in my case luckily for good, I am unable to teach theoretically..this is why for me PREACHING BY EXAMPLE has been my modus vivendi,  the only way in coherence with who I am..and this has been somenthing my children could never recriminate to me. In this respect I used to tell them and still do; What can we do about it..there is only one mum and I am the one you got.

The list of wishes for the year

Going back to the going back home, a bit redundant and a toungue twister too, it is TIME TO TAKE ACTION.. it sounds familiar, does it not?  Yes, I am suggesting to you, my dear friends, to start writing THE LIST OF WISHES, GOALS and everything else that comes into your mind for the year we are going to receive…Let us begin from the BLACK LIST, the one stating that from this year on, you will not fail to fulfill.. RESOLUTIONS that disappear like bubbles soap year after year..

I will always have a life jacket available to put on

In case it is of any help to you, I personally use a technique, which is older than walking forward but notheless very effective: I put my trust in the DIVINE PROVIDENCE, MY INTUITION, MY OTHER SELF, or whatever you prefer to call it..I have the absolute certanty I will always have a life jacket available to put on. In one way or another the MESSENGER AND THE MESSAGE get delivered to me…It is something like our GUARDIAN ANGEL, who is permanently next to us..the same one that once we recomend ourself to, before falling into a deep sleep, bring us the right answer like MAGIC.. As it is said “ if you do not know what to do, it is better you do nothing,…simply let Morpheus embrace you, consult it with your pillow and the morning will bring you a GIFT IN FORM OF SOLUTION


a belen pastores

Without even realizing it, we are already in the middle of the Christmas Festivities. I was not totally aware of it until yesterday, when a woman, in front of me in the supermarket´s queue, happily asked to the cashier “do I weight the Christmas sweets I have chosen, here in the fruits section or do you weight them there at the till?

The Shepperds to Bethlehem

We are at the doors to close this year, baptised  for the future geneneration as annus horribilis. 9 months  have passed since that 15 March 2020, almost like a pregnancy, which has given us the time to bring about in our mind a new creature: HOPE.

I believe that each one of us has become more or less aware of the TRANSIENCE of life, of our PHYSICAL FRAGILITY in contrast with our MENTAL STRENGHT. We are prepared much more  than we could possibly believe..we have been awakened from our letargy through a forced march, through a legal imperative.  I am referring to this state of AUTO PILOT we are now living our day to day life. A state that has now given us the opportunity to have life, the best teacher, screaming at us: “ hey you, wake up, your existence can end today, right now. Everyone of us knows that since we are born, we begin our journey towards death and yet we forget it. I am not saying is pleasant that we have been reminded of this through a WORLDWIDE CRISIS in form of a pandemic, but if this has happened, it is because life did not have any other way to make us stop and make us REFLECT.

Life has not conceeded us any more truce

A reflection to which we have all been exposed and we still carry on being exposed.  NOW life has not conceeded us any more truce. Apart from those people who have survived the World Wars, this worldwide pandemic tsunami has stopped all of us at once and has obliged us to re-think about our lives, yes or yes, from their original roots.

I am personally grateful for the shake covid has given to my life, a new opportunity to START AGAIN, to allow me to put the desires of my soul in the sun, desires that for years have been shouting out to see the light and take form.  We have lost many lives and these cruel circumstances have pushed us to rectify ourselves, showing that the pijama we are wearing is made of meat, of a devastating lighthness. Today we are inhabiting this planet and tomorrow we will not. 

It is a period of deep CHANGES

It is a period of deep CHANGES, in its FORM AND ITS ROOTS. We are experiencing a living example of NATURAL SELECTION. It may seem cruel, but it is a constant law since the world´s beginning and it includes everything indistinctively; animals, plants and human beings.  Like it or not, the LAW OF THE MOST ADAPTABLE OR THE STRONGEST is the one that rules, for its own logic, based on  the EVOLUTION OF THE SPECIES.

Let us put together all our best energies

Let us go back to these days of lights and Christmas sweets, as too many profound thoughts could turn into smoke… let us focus on the present events, which I am sure we will soon remember with a much more positive and enriching attitude. Let us start our journey with steps towards the BEGINNING OF A NEW YEAR.

To Bethlehem shepperds! Tuning in the words of this Christmas carol ….or at least in its meaning.

Let us put together all our best energies and good wishes to walk toward Bethlehem or the bread´s house, like the good sheppers did.  Yes, you read it right, Bethlehem means house of bread. The bread is nourishment for our body as well as for our soul, in the form of the DESIRES OR GOALS we want to achieve. NOURISH YOUR SOUL every day with good thoughts and direct your steps toward the BIRTH OF NEW CHALLENGES, full of UNCERTAINTY AND MAGIC.  Let us be like children again and let us replace the thoughts of PAIN AND INSATISFACTION with those of LOVE AND CONFIDENCE. The constant FAITH will take care of the rest.  Add to this large dosis of PATIENCE AND WORTHINESS.


Let us  loose the reins, without any judgment, to those children we all have inside ourselves and let us start to sing. To Bethlehem shepperds…because there was born the HOPE OF I AM ABLE TO DO EVERYTHING I CAN DREAM OF…INSIDE EACH ONE OF US.



Simple as that. CAUSE  AND EFFECT.  They always go together. A perfect marriage that leads us to what we DESIRE or FEAR the most.

Are we conscious about  how we think? Have we pondered and realised that our mind is the most powerful machinery ever created?

Tell me what you THINK  and I will tell you how you FEEL

Let us go back in the past to Alan Turing, father of the theoretical computer science and precursor of  the ARTIFICIAL INTELLINGE.

Can you believe that everything started in the middle of a World War: on September 1938 Turing is recruited by the British government to interpret and traslate the  German codified messages through a machine called Enigma. The name itself reveals the concept of somenthing you cannot understand due to its ambiguity or because it goes beyond the logic perceived through our senses. 

I think therefore I am

If a man has managed to set up a machine able to think, using the same human mental abilities, would it not be correct to state that we can adjust and choose, at our own pleasure, any thought running through our MENTAL CORRIDOR?

In the exact moment you ARE ELABORATING YOUR THOUGHTS, you are CHOOSING YOUR EMOTIONS. A Jump back in the past and I find myself at the time of Rene Descartes and his famous reasoning “ I think therefore I am” This is how I summarise it, based on this post´s thematic : doubt about everything, especially what your senses show you through the body. Only if we doubt, we are able to find our truth; find your own truth well beyond the tangible world and once you have found it you will know it immediately because you will experience a great sense of  wellbeing.

The abilities to handle our emotions

We find the base of any techonological advance in the ARTIFICIAL OR INTELLECTUAL INTELLINGENCE. Any technological advance lacking EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE OR A BASE OF IT, is pure MECHANISM. The abilities to handle our emotions, to express and balance them, are exactly those abilities that differentiate us from a computer.

What is Siri missing to be more human, for example? You would agree with me that it is possible to have a conversation with Siri and obtain answers which are fairly coherent.  The only and fundamental ingredient that so far has not been possible reproducing in it, is EMPATHY.  An immense word with an immense meaning:”from my ability to FEEL and  THE KNOWLEDGE OF MY EMOTIONS I can put myself in your place;you wear your own shoes daily but I can perceive where they are uncomfortable.

The truth inside yourself

Once you are able to glimpse the knowledge of your soul,then you will  be closer to find the CERTAINTY OF THE TRUTH INSIDE YOURSELF.  This is irrefutable and even though you can not prove it by logic, you can feel it and you know it is REAL. 

In order to be able to handle my EMOTIONAL DICTIONARY and to know the meaning of my MOODS, first of all I need to search in my conscience, HOW I am thinking and WHICH are the specific THOUGHTS that are occupying my mental space.

Thoughts and emotions

To make it short; in the same way that there cannot be day without night, so there is not knowledge of my EMOTIONS without an identification and a previous selection of my THOUGHTS.

Once we are able to correlate correctly  our thoughts and our emotions,then we will be in a very good disposition to act in the proper way with the person next to us.

A very important advice; let us not forget, we are very good at taking care of other people´s necessities before taking care of ourselves and this is not empathy, this is forgetting to sweep our home and run to sweep the neighbour´s home with the broom in our hand.

I am ready, as I am every day, to keep my SPACE CLEAN and free from any GARBAGE, I choose to vibrate high and enjoy the amazing wisdom of those people who vibrate even higher than me. These are the people that make me reach, with their example,the life of plenitude, we all deserve

Who you want to be now

Everything can happen by simply abandoning the old LIMITING  and castrating MENTAL HABITS. I ask myself why, since the world´s creation, it is so easy for us to live in sufferings and deprivations and  so difficult, at times almost impossible, to feel ourselves WORTHY AND WEALTHY.  I know by experience that THE MACRO-SOCIAL LABELS we carry are very well attached to us.  The great piece of news is that everything can be replaced… first we make it softer by soaking them in hot water with a lot of love, then we patiently wait for them to peel off and finally we let them go.

Take you permanent marker and write very clear in the middle of your heart. WHO YOU WANT TO BE NOW.

Are you ready to enjoy your presents?  ?


I feel an immesurable peace when I listen to the words and the piano´s sound of this hymn to life: you are a dreamer…but you are not the only one…dreaming about living a life in balance and plenitude.  This is how John Lennon, a myth, a musical genius,  lived his life, in the same way he dreamt about it, beyond skin´s colours, frontiers or situations.   The  world´s  representative of the hippies sixtieth movement “MAKE LOVE NOT WAR

During my daily life there are many more moments in which I am at PEACE with myself than those I am at war.


Every work sustained through time with PERSISTANCE will produce its fruits. For good or for bad,  we decide the fruits we want to pick..and there is only one condition: we have to mantain ourselves vibrating in the EMOTIONAL STATE DESIRED: the equation is perfect and never fails..IMAGINE..imagine for a moment, A CALM MIND, pure LOVE..maybe some of you from your chair is thinking…this is not real..How is this possible?  My answer is my life´s  long motto “ everything is possible..if so you wish it to be”.  You can live in a wellbeing state where there is not any necessity to “ pull the rope..nor from one side neither from the other”

I am fantical about refrains and I strongly believed that in the POPULAR WISDOM you can discover THE ART OF LIVING WITH SIMPLICITY.  This is why I invite you to analyse with me, the following refrains that I am sure you have heard before:” it takes two to make a quarrel” such a real truth.  The same refrain can work for a SCIENTIFIC MIND as well as for an ARTISTIC ONE.

“It takes two to make a quarrel”

Here is the explanation for a scientific mind. Ladies and gentlemen let us consider the PHYSICAL LAWS OF TENSION:  I will explain it in a simple way; it is obvious that if we hold a rope, me from one side and you from the other, we create a TENSION, caused by the two OPPOSITE FORCES.  A physical result of the forces I excercise on one end and you on the other.  So far, I believe, we all agree; each one ENTRENCHED in his position, ready to pull the rope with all our strenght to win the prize and to feel satisfied with ourselves, showing the WINNING TROPHY OF BEING RIGHT.

am bored with fighting

Now let us analyse the same physical event from the perspective of a more artistic and intuitive mind: we get hold of the same rope, we start to pull it, each one on the opposite end, creating again the well known tension. As soon as we start to turn blue because of the EFFORT, one of us is illuminated and think mentally “ What is the SENSE of all this? Where is this taking us? In that precise moment, the same one decides to let the rope go and leave, to focus his valuable time on other goals which can bring him PEACE OR NOURISHMENT FOR THE SOUL.

Once he let go his end of the rope , inevitably he beats his opponent who receives a massive hit in the ass as a simple result of THE PHYSICAL LAWS  Fantastic!  You are totally right…but  everything depends on our PERSPECTIVE and the following popular refrain fits perfectly: “ you are totally right, keep my part of righteousness and enjoy the hit in the ass too…At this stage of my life I AM BORED WITH FIGHTING and all I want is to live in peace.

Bet everything on a better world full of peace

What do you think about this, my dear friend? Do you think it is possible to put into practice the messages of “ imagine by John Lennon” and  from our humble position, let go the rope of FEAR, the stubbornness and bet everything on a better world full of PEACE?


If we look OUTSIDE, the landscape is CONVULSED and if we focus on that convulsion we are only adding woods to the fire. Remeber that each of us is a drop of water  in the vastity of the immense ocean; each drop is worth the same: Do you want to contribute  with your INDIVIDUAL PEACE to the COLLECTIVE PEACE?  Be aware that, despite the circumstances we are experiencing, we are THE ARCHITECTS OF OUR OWN LIVES.

See the light, even in the most absolute darkness

It is always possible to see the light, even in the most absolute darkness. Imagine a very long and dark tunnel.. as in everything, there is a BEGINNING AND AND END  as it is in this world of POLARITIES; sooner or later we will see the light.  Why don´t you try to imagine that same tunnel and catch a glimpse of the light NOW before reaching the end of it?

You are the only one who decides which color you are going to use to paint your MENTAL HOME.

Immaculate white

I will share with you the color I have choosen. Here and now I paint my mind with an immaculate white, honouring my name and my INNER STATE. Can you believe that before I used to dislike my name! Now I love it, I love its meaning, I identify myself with that essence of PURITY AND PEACE which I feel every day in me. You have it too, in your inner side:

Are you willing to take the hand of your inner side every day?


el jardinero fiel

The title may result familiar to you as it has been used before in one of John Le Carre´s books. The focus, of what I want to emphasize in this space, has got nothing to do with the plot of  the book I have just mentioned. This is another clear example of the prism everyone uses to interpret how things are perceived. 

I took this amazing picture last year in Regent´s park and as a matter of fact it has been the spark igniting  the inspiration to write this post.

The faithful gardener

This gardener ,almost having the semblance of a human being, is the criss-cross creation of an unending variety of plants, bushes and flowers. It stands in a hidden corner of this London Park as A CARING SOUL FOR THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM.

I have always felt vey much identified with natural spaces, and free when sorrounded by its beauty, apparently lifeless,but often inviting me through its quietness to take a rest or to slow down.

Movement and calm

I can recall very clearly those bicycles´ rides at the weekends. Every Friday we used to take the car and drive to the house on the beach without caring if it was winter or spring. I felt such a sense of  FREEDOM ; it is inmaginable. A total compenetration with nature. I loved to stop, get off from my bicycle all sweaty and feel that profound calm transmitted by the sorroundings.  It was like an invitation to STOP, after having cycled for quite a while, and be mindfully engaged  with those two emotions MOVEMENT AND CALM.

As the years have passed by it has become more clear, for me at least, that the time spent with MOTHER NATURE, were absolutely MEDITATIVE moments, especially towards my inner side; of course everyone has his own view about this.

I could stay and observe an anthill for hours; the ants´ behaviour, how they interacted with their antennae, their greeting signals and all the messages exchanged every time they meet one another. I used to follow their trail well beyond the sand, up to where it disappeared in direction of the grass.  An absolute perfect fusion between the ANIMAL AND THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM.

Thinking and emotional animals

We are THINKING AND EMOTIONAL ANIMALS, so I openly ask you “ do you think you are taking enough care of YOUR GARDEN? What I mean is “ are you aware that we are all  the LOVING GARDENERS of our inner garden? I need to warn you immediately, this is a lifelong work; you know, WEEDS grow constantly..this is why our mission is to be the FAITHFUL GARDENERS of our conscience; we are the only ones responsible to keep our space beautiful, avoiding that anything that enters there can spoil it.

If you have a space, for as small as this could be, I can assure you that if you bring yourself to the art of CULTIVATING it, the gratification is instant.  The simple act to put your hands in the ground makes you get in touch directly with your essence, it calms you down, it gets you closer to enjoy THE FEELINGS THROUGH THE TOUCH. Touch the ground, cut the grass, water it, plant in it…by doing this WE LEARN TO TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES AND TAKE CARE OF OUR SPACE.

Nothing can harm us unless we allow it

Remember, nothing can harm us unless we allow it. Every situation that affects us, has been delivered by the skilled hands of a messenger who is telling us in a subtle way, to look inside ourselves.  The healthier we manage to keep our space the more POWER we have over our life.  A tree grows strong if it is free from any weeds .  CHOOSE the plants and the trees you like to decorate your home; select how you relate to your surroundings and the people you want to be part of it. In the same way you shower every day and get organised, take the rake daily and remove the little weed from your garden.The weed can appear small, nontheless it will always take some strenght and food away from the tree you love the most in your garden. Be FAITHFUL to yourself, learn to say with firmness “YES I like it and NO I do not like this”, go deaf to other people´s opinions, increase the volume of your INTUITION, your best adviser, and shut up everything else.

Become the best version of youself

Keep your space always spotless, make sure your garden is your pride and the example for all the other gardens.  INSPIRE anyone you can through the way you lead your life. Keep always in mind that living by example is the king of all kings. Keep your mover, your rake and your pruning shears always ready and transform your INNER SPACE in a GARDEN OF HAPPINESS AND LOVE, where only THE EVOLUTION TOWARDS YOUR PURPOSE reigns, with the aim to BECOME THE BEST VERSION OF YOUSELF.


Deseo o necesidad

I would like to have your opinion, my dear friend. I can almost feel our INTERACTION from here and I love it! Me, in front of  the keyboard writing and you reading it. Do you think DESIRE AND NECESSITY go hand in hand, separatly, do they include or exclude each other? I have my opinion, which is mentally thinking what could be yours.

I believe the virtue is in the BALANCE, everything depends on the color, on the intention, on the way you look at the circumstances.  Everything is neutral, neither good or  bad in itself…Having said all this Do you desire or need it?

Desire or necessity?

It took me some time to realise that TO DESIRE is ,in the first person, healthy, good and highly reccomandable. We have grown up in the shade of many COLLECTIVE PROGRAMMINGS  like “ a known evil is better that an unknown good” , “the light at the end of the tunnel may be a train” or you cannot have your cake and eat it” and these have affected our SELF ESTEEM so much, that sometimes it has taken our conformism to its extreme. This is why, when we have lived all our life under the wheel, we RESIGNATE, perhaps with sadness, but we do resignate. On the other side we feel VICTIMS OF THE SYSTEM and we ruminate the situation like cows do with their food, ending in a vicious circle of “ this is so unfair, I feel terrible…I do not desrve this” “ I cannot do more than this…this is it” “ look how she behaved with me after all I have done for her..”   The list has no limit, is so long that we can splash and play in our VICTIMISM as much as we feel like…

Trial and error

My choice is to take a new line on EXPERIMENTING, “I go for the lane in the middle” at least it is a new TRIAL AND ERROR approach, otherwise I will be stuck in COMPLAINING AND IN THE LEARNED HELPLESSNESS, a state of helplessness where we prefer to throw ourselves on the floor like a reptile instead of trying to put a foot in front of the other in search of new horizons.. At least this will avoid that madness of carry on behaving in the same way with the hope to obtain different results…Einstein dixit.

DESIRE is associated with EMOTION, MOTIVATION to achieve a GOAL, they are the engine and the vehicle at the same time.  What would be the meaning of life without passions, without desires?

The magig of the fullfilled desire

At this point the second variable joins the game: NECESSITY.  In the exact moment I need something more than what is essential to live a dignified life I start to …. the MAGIG OF THE FULLFILLED DESIRE.  I will try to explain myself clearly: from the precise moment I add EXPECTATIONS to the equation I start to diminish the effectivity of the outcome.  Maybe this graphic example will be useful: as soon as I think about a tasty homemade cake my mouth starts watering. THE DESIRE invades me and all my taste buds start salivating like in Pavlov´s dogs. I run to the kitchen and my hands are already at work on the dough. I keep working on it and feel delight on the result, so much that I am almost going to eat it before it is cooked. I have absolut FAITH it will taste delicious. I am walking with that baking tin full of aromas, which could easily “ resurrect a dead” towards the oven, previously pre heated at 180 grades …this is Gods´whims..!

I go back to the sitting room and keep on writing; I have half an hour in front of me before it is ready..but after ten minutes I get up to check the progress on my masterpiece..WAITING FOR IT makes me feel a bit impatient. THE LACK OF TOLLERANCE TO FRUSTRATION is high; I am definetly not starving but the issue is, I cannot eat it now and my desire to taste it is so strong.

The conclusion : it is a desire and there is nothing wrong with it, but when the variable is “ it has to be now…” then we are skating off the track.

Everything teaches you somenthing

I adore skating, even when I fall down, a reason more to laugh about myself. After the first fall my bottom is a bit painful, so I decide to pay more ATTENTION and in case it happens again I will try to avoid the same area and possibly fall on the other side; a way to compensate the situation.  As I love making parallelism and comparison I would say the same happens in life: everything adds up and everything teaches you somenthing..

It is a fact that when we add CERTANTY to the duo DESIRE-MANIFESTATION the result is an assured victory..Why? Very simple: from the moment I desire somenthing, I feel the emotion and when this happens  I LIVE IN ADVANCE THE EXPERIENCE AS REAL and I accompany it with the certainty that sooner or later in life I AM GOING TO EXPERIENCE IT AT A PHYSICAL LEVEL. 

Everything comes and goes,  including the NECESITY for this to happen. DESIRE anything you want without any necessity but with CERTAINTY and it will appear in front of your eyes. ?

¿preguntas o afirmas?

“Maybe, I do not know, it could be that..” they are all expressions associated with QUESTIONS, doubts, inquiries.  “ Of course, take it for granted, absolutely yes “  confirm or support a STATEMENT. Questions and statements are both based on OPINIONS, clear and pure  SUBJECTIVITY.

How can a piece of information be considered TRUE?  True for whom..? I answer from my POINT OF do it from yours, he does it from his..and now what?  Which truth is more true;  mine, yours or his?

Are you asking or making a statement?

I got the inspiration for this post during a totally normal daily activity: watching a movie. Once the film was over I relaxed for a while, enjoying the calm. A title came into my mind, like a  neon sign, illuminated:  “ are you asking or making a statement? There is plenty to talk about this, but I will focus on those truths that each one of us considers absolute. We call them BELIEFS, OPINIONS or STATEMENTS.

I can “believe” with total faith anything I have been taught when I was a child and I will keep on following its message “to the letter” without even analysing it: hey hold on a second “ why do I carry on eating lentils at home every thursday if I do not like them?.. The answer could be very simple; my mother or my father used to tell me iron was an essential element for our diet.  As a matter of fact, like it or not, we keep on mantaining that same TRADITION OR BELIEF like if we have inherited it. Funny enough, we do it without thinking that, maybe, there are others good sources of iron apart from lentils that we could  easily like much more.

If you believe it, you create it

But we prefer to keep our thoughts as they have been “chewed on” instead of reorganising our “mental menu” in a different way.  In the end it would be so simple as sitting down to structure a “ new menu”. It will take time for you to GET USED TO do it differently but soon, it will become an HABIT, much sooner that you could have possibly thought.  At the beginning it is very advisable to start making small changes as these are much more important than it could seem. It will be easier then to adapt to bigger changes. I can assure you that, based on my personal experience.

As long as you CHOOSE it , a belief is amazing, it stimulates HOPE AND CERTAINTY.. as you already know, IF YOU BELIEVE IT, YOU CREATE IT.

The experience

To be more precise I have just decided to look up its meaning in the dictionary and I cannot avoid to smile to myself..Here you are: OPINION

“a view or judgement formed about somenthing or someone, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge”. The explanation is crystal clear, supporting the concept that objectivity is not really part of the word opinion “Is there anyone, in this world, capable to express his opinion without the influence of his background and programmings? On the other side I believe that the only way to “ move the car” is by living the experience to turn the engine on and drive it. You will have to deal with the FRUSTRATION AND POTENTIAL FEARS involved with it and take into consideration that we could have an accident every time we sit  behind the wheel.

That EXPERIENCE will give you a “return ticket” , empowering you to talk about any subject with the right knowldge and you will be able state out loud “ I am giving you my OPINION about the matter, not only based on pure THEORY but CONFIRMING IT WITH CERTAINTY thanks to my TRIAL and ERROR approach. I am like a LIFE´S SCIENTIST who has WORKED ON THE FIELD. This has given me the opportunity to understand people better and putting myself in their shoes. This is why I feel I have great dosis of UNDERSTANDING AND LOVE.


From my point of view, this is the real message of the movie I saw the other day. It is my OPINION, absolutly subjective, as all opinions are. I was so touched by the film that I can say with all the knowledge necessary, that every opinion is the result of a personal vision, based on our EXPERIENCE and as a consequence, any JUDGEMENT is a pure confession of our own existence

Everything you say about other people is simply what you are telling to yoursef

It is a fact that “ everything you say about other people is simply what you are telling to yoursef…” I take the opportunity to remind this to myself and to carry on being the ENTHUSIAST LEARNER I love to be…the more I evolve..the less I know..maybe my neurons and my soul prefer to un-learn and leave free SPACE like in a BEGINNER´S MIND, in that state of tabula rasa without any prejudices, able to surpise myself at all times.

It is a pleasure, one more post and MANY MORE TO LIVE.  ?

la música amansa a las fieras

Music is for me the soundtrack of life…  Music in any of its forms; just a few notes…organised in a particular order to create a MELODY, with or without words.

Possibly the most ancestral human FORM OF COMMUNICATION, able to put together in a simple DANCE the greates variety of people,  their expressions, their memories… creating an instant change in our PHYSIOLOGICAL RYTHM, modifying our MOOD, bringing peace to our soul…I definetly choose to live with music around me.

Music soothe the savage beasts

Man has coexisted with it since ancient times; proofs given by musical instruments like drums, timbales or lyre from the Mesopotamia civilization, which takes us back approximately 4000 years BC. Since the world´s creation we have coexisted and evolved with some type of music.. When we DANCE in group, we automatically feel that sense of BELONGING to a tribu, a sense of unity with our similars.

When we listen to music, being it consciously or not, we  start to produce and release wellbeing´s substances in our brain, in the same way we do when we sit in front of a delicious dish or a glass of  good wine. DOPAMINES spread in our brain´s circuit  making us feel  amazingly well.

There is a saying about music that I love very much and totally agree with. I am pretty sure you have heard this famous expression before: “music soothe the savage beasts” .. a mithycal saying which gives honours to a Greek musician and poet, Orpheus.  It is said he could play musical instruments with such a  mastery and delicacy, that he was able to transform  the most agressive BEHAVIOUR  in a blink.

Memories and Perceiving things

I could not say if Orpheus was practising MUSIC THERAPY just to soothe beasts or he would use it as well to soothe human souls.  Clearly I am not Orpheus. Nevertheless I have put into practice his technique every time I was driving with my two kids when they were younger and it was like a “holy hand”. In front of a possible fight between the two, good loud music in the car and in a fraction of a second everyone was singing happily.

If you love music as I do, I would ask you to listen carefully to any song that really inspires you…and once it is over, analyse why you have choosen that song and not another one…I am sure you will discover there are many more reasons involved in your choice than you could have possibly thought of.

Try with that song to reach EMOTIONALLY the deepest parts of your self, try to describe them , even if you manage only single words,; what does that suggest you?  Maybe you will realise that in some occasions, a simple music or a sequence of notes, is more than enough to trigger off some MEMORIES and PERCEIVING things you were not aware existed.

Feelings & Emotions

Music has the power to create FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS , is poetry without words, every single note has in it a cadence, a perfect sound in a perfect tempo.The sensibility to appreciate music can be learnt through practice. If you are not a born musician, you can learn to be a MUSIC LOVER.

Music makes part of my life very much, when I meditate while cooking, when I am having a shower. There are moments in which I keep my eyes closed to enjoy my senses while listening to a melody in tune with my MOODS.

Music is an  essential part of the human being, of course OBSERVATIONAL LEARNING plays a big role in it too..I grew up with the constant music of an old record turntable.  I have always loved SINGING AND DANCING.  I still remeber with tenderness my music teacher, the long hours practising the flute at home driving my mother crazy ,who at times, could not avoid to protest and say “ my little angel, you are so intense with everything; when somenthing get into your mind it get stuck there and you carries on and on and on..until you finally get it…”

Be & Feel

I am very grateful I could receive all those inputs and live in sorroundings which stimulated constantly my ARTISTIC tendency to sing, dance, listen to good music. In some cases I even dared to compose some shorts songs and sing them to my kids when they were very small, holding them in my arms, while dancing. Their babies´ faces were initially showing surprise but then laughing in tune with the music…we were dancing up and down like in a roller coaster, feeling that tingling in the stomach, a sensation inbetween fear and joy..those butterflies´experience associated with falling in love or the impression  your heart is going to jump out of your chest..This is how I feel music, a pure exaltation of feelings running high.

Excellent music therapy, able to make us BE AND FEEL fully, without thinking. ?

I adore that wellbeing´s boost produced by the endorphin´s release I experience every time I go shopping for myself. I simply love feeling that emotion when I wear or experience somenthing new.  This is so certain, that in many occasions, while still in the changing room, I have asked the attendant  “ Can I wear it NOW? I love it sooo much that it would be amazing if I could leave with it on…!

Part time indulgent

My inner CHILD carries on being very present in my life, making me feel so alive with those little PLEASURES, those novelties, those INDULGENCES so delightful and so SIMPLE, able to change the perception of your day in a blink…and why not?.. sometimes, it is so deeply engraved in our mind, we believe that indulging ourself is not good and we feel guilty, just by having a toasted bread with butter in the middle of the morning..what a nonsense!

As a matter of fact, the same definition of “indulgence” and “indulgent” have  connotations which are in contraddiction with reason and logic.  I chose to go with spontaineity and show you the other face of the coin. There must be some moments in life when the SOUL is longing to enjoy itself, to expand and breath deeply inside, far away from the impositions of the THINKING AND ANALYTIC MIND?

Everything is good if applied in small dosis, like the wonderful perfumes kept in small bottles, or at least this  is how this PART TIME INDULGENT believes, while writing to you now.

With the same intesity I enjoy and take care of my PHYSICAL TEMPLE, so it happens with nurturing my SOUL and MY SPIRIT with PLEASANT EMOTIONS, following exactly what my INTUITION tells me to do.

That Blue Book…

It was and still is the same intuition, which lead me to a shelf where that BLUE BOOK was standing on that particular day.

I love WEARING MY NEW DRESSES exactly as I love SHARING MY KNOWLEDGE.  Through READING, I enrich myself with KNOWLEDGE, SELF-AWERENESS and SELF-DISCOVERY.  That day, as in many others, I bought that book following my impulse, my intuition, without even having a peep inside…Apparently it was a book like many others, for its tickness and layout; nothing was suggesting it would have been the promoter of stepping INTO THE TRUTHFUL ESSENCE OF THE SELF-AWERENESS.

I arrived home eager to read it, as it always happens when I buy myself a new book..I sat down, ready to devour it ..I opened it and started reading it….but as soon as I read the first paragraph, a strange feeling of FEAR run through my whole body…I closed it and  quite scared I thought..” what is this?. I stared at the title “ A COURSE IN MIRACLES” foundation for THE INNER PEACE.

I simply did not get it:  why did I buy that book, apparently related to religion, catholicism, God, the church…I felt such a mess in my head, a distorsion of concepts,  on top of what I have been taught and what I believe it was..!

I was puzzled, shocked, it was like I had read  a few words in a strange language, totally foreign and totally unknown to me…

I put THAT BLUE BOOK together with many others on a shelf…and  there it stayed for many autumns, 14 more or less..It accompanied me in all the homes I moved. While I was reorganising my books in the new space, that book was standing there, SILENTLY, waiting for the right moment, the momentI would have looked myself in the mirror of my essence…Until the moment was a great day, in July, when my intuition took me again to THAT BLUE BOOK.. and then I knew instantly I was ready to experience my freedom and my SOUL´s expansion. 

Love, love, love

There and then I learned the meanings of concepts like “LOVE toward oneself, how to let go THE CONTROL and THE EXPECTATIONS, that WE ARE ONE, about our PROJECTIONS…I could write, write and write more…the emotion is so strong that a few tears run down my cheeks…tears of GRATEFULNESS  to undesrtand the meaning of  WAIT and for that book to wait for me, so I could be ready to receive the ANCENSTRAL WISDOM we all have inside; to feel WORTHY, to believe EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE.. I was so wrong!  I had so  much energy, the same I projected outside, to others.  I was thirtsy for myself, for my own caring, for pampering myself, for my strenght too, and for my laughs, my indulgences; how damaging can be those concepts when misunderstood …!

The deeper I went into reading that book  the more I was penetrating into my INNER SELF, like entering a thick forest, opening the way with a machete; but in my case the machete was substituted by  A DIVINE hand that with its delicacy, was opening the way in face of any obstacles…step by step, hand in hand with that GOD we all have inside ourselves. I reached the OASIS, that heaven of peace that gives meaning to everything outside…FROM THE INSIDE TO THE OUTSIDE, with solid basis and total awareness. The only and universal religion is LOVE; our best and only LIFE´S PURPOSE is REMEMBER OUR ESSENCE and contribute more and more to THE AWAKENING DURING THAT JOURNEY BACK home.



¿Te acuerdas de mí?

So real like life itself. How many times have you been introduced to someone who said he/she has met you before and you DO NOT REMEMBER HIM/HER?…His/her name, the place you met him/her for the first time, who introduced each embarassing!  In front of such affirmation and seing the person is so sure we have met before, we desperatly  acces our SHORT AND LONG TERM MEMORY, and any type of memory available, trying to find a way out from that uncomfortable situation. And the person goes on with total confidence…

”I remeber you perfectly”..on that occasion your hair were very long and straight…an eternity ago!  The total lost expression in your face betrays you and in that moment, with your best smile and absolute sincerity you reply back “ I believe you are mistaking me for someone else…I have never worn my hair that long..”  But the other person insists: I am ready to bet on whatever you want that it was you..let me focus on it and recall more details”

Do you remember me?

This scene can be very common and it can happen while you are  queuing at the restaurant´s toilet or as it happened to me, during a postgraduate seminar. What are the factors influencing our ability to REMEMBER OR FORGET?

The classification and selection is extremely wide. The only certainty is that we all have a point of reference: we classify and labell our situations based on the COLLECTIVE MEMORY, on something generic, to then filter it through more concrete aspects based on our SELECTIVE MEMORY.  I give you an example; when I refer to a table and recognise it as such, it is because I was taught, at a very early age, that any surface in a square, round, rectangular hexagonal shape and  supported by four legs, refers to the concept of what has been collectively defined as a  “ table”.

I will be more specific: if in my memory  the concept of  “table” is associated with family´s  reunions and those reunions were connected to PLEASANT EMOTIONS like happiness and love, it is very likely I will have strong positive feelings, not only with tables in general, but with those decorated and well presented.  This pleasant concept will be strongly related to a sequence of EMOTIONAL ATTIDUDES too ( tables-reunions-family/friends-sharing-wellbeing).

It is very probable that now you are asking yourself what a “ table” has to do with remembering or not remembering someone.. Well, as the human mind is very prodigious, the person who remembered me and saw me wearing long straight hair till the belt, was right.

Suddenly the information I was looking for in my mental archive was fully available in my memory…Gosh, Inma, this girl was right. The mental picture was now clear like the blue sky; a fancy dress party, in Madrid, ages ago and the topic of the party was the sixties.. a hippies´night. There, I was wearing long black hair till the belt, a wig…but of course it was me..!

Collective Memory-Selective Memory

I have always been eager to know the reasons and the whys of everything around me. I was a very curious girl and considered unstoppable for my parents, asking them questions day and night… Luckily this has not changed with the time, I am still the one and so I asked myself straight away  “Why did you not remeber it, on the contrary, you were denying it from the beginning”? The aswer was as fast as the question; “ I forgot about that period of my life simply because I had ASSOCIATED IT TO UNPLEASANT FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS and uncousciously I had storaged those archives deep, very deep down in my mind.  It is said that distance is synonim of FORGETTING..and  we may believe so, but there is always someone or something able to make us revive that moment. Without hesitation, I approached the girl who recognised me  from the beginning,  I gently tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention and told her “ now I remember ..we did meet before and yes I had long black hair, a wig though. It was me, even if I was dressed up in a fancy way it was still me.

Sometimes we manage to DRESS UP AND ANESTHETISE OUR PERCEPTIONS so much that we are able to live for real, moments that have never occured, in the same way we manage to bury others so deep in our hearts, that we could swear they never took place or we conveniently distort their memory.

We believe what we want to believe

The SENSES are always at our service but they are controlled by our central navigator, THE MIND,  which is so powerful, able to make us believe what we want to believe, transforming it into an absolute truth. The story, I have just told you, is the tangible proof of something I have lived personally.

When we are ready and it is the right time to dust those old memories, then there will be an event helping us to do it. It is like  placing a cosmic order from our SUBCONSCIOUS MIND: “dear universe, now I am prepared to store that situation I had almost forgotten in a proper way..the event itself is not so important as the way I felt; as the personal EMOTIONAL MEMORIES involved. Now they are cured and I have understood…so I am able to store them healed and healthy.

I close this post  with a riddle “ it LOOKS LIKE gold and IS not silver…guess quickly and tell me what it is. ( plata-no = plantain, a fruit similar to banana…plata in Spanish is SILVER, NO is used to form the negative NOT , ES = is (from the verb SER = to be)  so that PLATA-NO-ES translates into IS PLANTAIN)

Do you dare to put your absolute truths on trial?
