Today I will approach my blog with a smile, a symbol of joy, a GESTURE of happiness, an EXPRESSION of satisfaction, so welcome to the fascinating world of THE BODY LANGUAGE. The more we deepen in our SELF-KNOWLEDGE, the more precise we can be at the time of establishing  COMMUNICATION with our 3 PARTS: the PHYSICAL,  the MENTAL and the EMOTIONAL. It is a miracolous interaction taking place thanks to the LAW OF COMMUNICATING VESSELS: believe it or not, none of these three parts has been made to taste the sweetness of life on itws own.  They nurture each other and if we dedicate even little time  to know them better, to treat them nicely and with understanding , we will certainly live a very satisfactory existence.

The body language

THE BODY  always SPEAKS to us, in perfect harmony with the EMOTIONS. How many times during our existence, have we felt the physical body trying to talk to us WITHOUT SAYING A SINGLE WORD?  During those moments of changes and uncertantities, when we cannot fall asleep easily, we become aware it is almost impossible to find a moment of peace. Precisesly in those moments our body starts his MUTE DIALOGUE with us. It starts whispering, almost with an  unpercivable tone,then it changes into a crescendo, especially if we keep ignoring its need of  attention. A loud scream, in form of intense PAIN, will follow. At this point we need to add the terms and conditions in small writing: when the manifestation is on the OUTSIDE, in reality it is a much deeper pain, INSIDE, EMOTIONAL. So we can deal and treat THE PHYSICAL SYMPTOM but the  real CAUSE will remain  unsolved.

The SIGNS are always there but very often covered up and even very well buried by the frenetic rythms that our daily life impose on us.  Our solution: as soon as I arrive home I will take a strong painkiller and sort this out.  We are very obedient citizens and so we give priority to our EXTERNAL duties, leaving our INNER ones  for last. We anaesthetize the signs openly presented to us in capital letters, highlighted and and underlined in bold.  Here we find ourselves again in the same situation , my dear friends, changing the orders of the factors…which in this case, changes massively the product!

How important is the body language ! Definetly YES it is, but let us not focus only on its surface. What is a BODY without  a MIND´S input, that same mind and  INTUTITION we should listen to and feed from.

The language of the soul

I landed in the fascinating triumvirate body-mind-spirit while I was looking for my own identity. I was eager to find an answer and it was thanks to the POSTURAL RE-EDUCATION  I came to realise the perfection of the human body and the almost infinite possibilities of movements it has got.  Many years passed by and with them I had the pleasure to accompany many people in the discovery of their adequate posture to alleviate their SYMPTOMS camouflaged as physical pain. Suddenly a reflexion came to my mind ; Inma you have reached the end of this line and MY INTUITION whisperred you CAN GIVE YOURSELF AND OTHERS much more than this. I have always known there was something deeper than the pure body training. Many questions about my emotions were waiting to be answered. Life constantly adds wisdom to our existence and in one of those moments, I felt certain I have found  the deep connection between my mind and my body and so decided to jump fearlessly and put light into the matter. I told myself  the only way to accompany other people through this process was to experience it in first person before anything else. And so I did:  I went into the stimulating world of my psyche approaching Psychology and Psych-K . A totally new world of communication and self knowledge opened in front of me : THE LANGUAGE OF THE SOUL.

There is a sentence very dear to me which I have been using very often throughout my existence: “ the one who moves the body moves the emotions = motion creates emotion”…I have taken so many decisions while exercising my body!..this creates the perfect environment, our thoughts  flow easily, we grease our articulations, expand our heart, our spirit and through a wide smile we feel the results of our wellbeing.

”Mens sana in corpore sano”

The body speaks through its 3 parts, indifferently if we are conscious or not. We assume the correct posture, we reposition our mind and we start to vibrate fully in our body, reaching our essence.  I THINK positively through my CONSCIENCE,  I feel COHERENT through my EMOTIONS´awareness and I move skilfully through A BODY IN HARMONY.

A very well known latin sentence accompanies us since the times of the ancient Roman Empire : “mens sana in corpore sano”.  Since that time our ancestors  were passing to us very GOOD HABITS, practising PRAYING AND MEDITACION TO NURTURE THE SOUL in perfect balance with BODY TRAINING.

Let us go back together to the beginning of this post and have a look at  the photo  Why have I choosen this marvellous creature, from the animal kingdom: the ant? Simply because it is a living example of what I want to transmit to you with this post..their COMMUNICATION skills and their unbelivable STRENGHT even without seeing.

Now you can see, my dear readers, there are some circumstances where size does not matter..the essencial is invisible to the eyes…let us look without seeing and let us use that faith, we can find deep inside everyone of us, so that we can increase our wisdom at the sound of our BODY LANGUAGE. JUST LISTEN…




First of all I am making myself comfortable in front of my laptop as right now I need to calm down, I feel like a pressure cooker, steaming out from my head .. Why?  Because of THE HUMAN STUPIDITY.. This is why I have decided to preach with actions and let my NEURONS cool down a bit. What will follow is the result.

The human stupidity

Once upon a time there was a land, called EMOTIONS-LAND, where all the inhabitants had learnt to say how they felt while speaking. These skills were passed down from generation to generation and this flow allowed EMPATHY, RESPECT AND KNOWLEDGE to grow stronger and stronger.

The result: a community of people who were really COHERENT, HEALTHY AND INTELLIGENT, academically as much as emotionally. I strongly believe the emotional intelligence creates a very  fertile ground for a highly intellectual mind. But we cannot say the opposite.  How many brilliant  academic minds slip right at the entrance of the feelings´temple!  It is much easier to become an achiever in this world through the correct USE OF THE EMOTIONS than without them.

Simplify our life

We could avoid so many stupidities and by doing so SIMPLIFY our life.When less is more; we are in front of the  SUPREME KNOWLEDGE which allows us to live our life with fullfillmen and at the same time with those around us too.

Be able to reach that stage where the only aim is to be happy and not right…be right or be right at all costs,  there we bump again  into the essence of stupidity! It is quite peculiar how our mental structure discriminates and refuses whatever is not in agreement with our beliefs.  Let us think about it for moment;  how much energy do we waste every day being stupid or trying to convince the person in front that he/she is wrong and at the end is exactly the same.

The glass is always half full

The glass is always half full, my dear friends; this is my suggestion, based on my own personal EXPERIENCE of course. Dare to BE without trying to convince anyone and let the other BE what he-she wants; live and state your thruth with a smile, be confident, without feeling any guilt, let your energy flows in line, allowing you to  LIVE IN PLENITUDE! Keep your senses and your soul in balance, opened and cleaned, prepared to receive from the universe everything you always wanted and ready to embrace it.

Simply ovecome your stupidity, do not do anything, stay in your place, listen without prejudices the other person´s truth.  Try honestly to listen patiently to  the other, with a neutral actitude, without looking in your head  to give an answer as soon as the other has finished speaking.  Not easy at all for a BEGINNER, something quite challenging indeed, but fascinating once you have managed the control of  your mind; let us move to the dessert now.

The summary: stupidity would disappear if each one of us would take full responsibility of one´s own THOUGHTS, WORDS AND ACTIONS, in such a way that I can have a different point of view from yours and for this I do not take you to the guillotine, you behave excatly the same and we are all happy

Forgive yourself and forgive

Maybe in this precise moment you are asking yourself : and what happens when my neighbour ´s behaviour affect me or even make pieces of me. ? Very easy, you learnt to put your feet down, doing what it takes but with justice, without acrimony, or better controlling your emotions  without projecting your own programmings into the other person.

It is very peacefull to be a white canvass every single day! A tough job indeed, Did we not come to this world to re write and re master our lesson every day?  I can assure you that as soon as you start, you will realise that it is much easier to CREATE every day from scratch then write every tomorrow from the contamination of the past.   This does not mean we have to delete our  most valuable experiences  or behave like a kamikaze without thinking.  I refer to the ability to FILTER and choose only those fruitful parts of our experience, and as a rule, congratulate yourself for your evolution and eliminate all those unpleasant feelings associated with your life. FORGIVE YOURSELF AND FORGIVE, carry on in your journey with a lovely smile and take out everything you do not need from your rucksack so that your journey will be  much lighter and easier.




Un pie en el suelo y una mano en el cielo

Today is Monday, just a Monday in July and yet, unique, with all its identity created by the HERE and NOW …the date is anecdotal and there will not be another identical day like this, ever.
I feel thrilled to share with you my THOUGHTS and FEELINGS in this space, where we meet weekly, I am so lucky!… Every time I am in front of a white canvas, it opens a full world of limitless opportunities and expressions. I do not need to pretend, I feel FREE, free TO BE, TO SAY what I want WITHOUT EXPECTATIONS..when you do not expect anything in return, then those self JUDGEMENTS disapper …How peaceful!

A foot on the ground and a hand in the sky

Cutting the story short and going to the point, the other day, my friend Inma came home to visit and we started talking about BALANCE-IN, more specifically about the blogs. She asked me “do you know how many people read your blogs every week?” Without hesitation I answered: “ to be totally honest with you, I have not got the slightes idea and it would be exactly the same if only 4 or 4000 would read it .. I enjoy so much this writing – space of mine, because here, I feel totally myself..! it is pure pleasure, very therapeutic and I highly recommend it to everyone. When I am in this space, I leave shame, judgement and fear on one side, ready to join the scene, without knowing when the curtains will rise and if the stage will be full or totally empty. It is the best moment; I abandon myself to the language of the SOUL, with strong passion and noththing else, enjoyng the sublime taste of the reward: writing!…can you believe that for a large part of my life I have been hiding!

I am sure you have been personally experincing the effects of those marks, burned in our SUBCONSCIOUS MIND by our parents with their best intentions, when they use to tell us “ be discret, do not tell this or that to anyone, do not stand out to avoid envious feelings toward you… and this and that..what a nonsense!

Making the way while walking

I have loved the theatre since I was very little, yes indeed, and singing, dancing , writing..I was fascinated with any form of expression. I have always had a foot on the ground and a hand in the sky; in this sentece I summarise my essence and I believe every single human being feels the same. Do you really believe we are only made up of that part we know as BODY, that side of us we dress with different clothes, to which we apply a different mask according to the occasion? Without any doubt, this is the worldly part I enjoy a lot, what would be the sense of having a body if we were not to make the best of it, and enjoy it in all its wider aspects? Of course we have been made to live on this earth, to put one foot down with strenght and grace or even both, most likley better!…making the way while walking as Machado wrote wisely.

A hand in the sky

Let us move into the second part of our equation A HAND IN THE SKY. Since the world is world the human being has felt an ancenstral curiosity for the other side; we have clear proofs of this from our primitive ancestors, when they immortalized it in their rock paintings. A magical question which instills respect and at times, fear too; it poses the query “what lies beyond there?” What happened to our dears once they left their body? ..we could fill pages and pages about THE OTHER SIDE and HERE, or at least this is how I consider it; does it happen to you as well, when you stay silent with your eyes open or close, this is totally up to you, that you feel the flow of a PEACEFUL ENERGY,corresponding directly to your ESSENCE ? It makes you to feel the PEACE, ALIGNED, CENTRED in you, the undisputed identity of your SOUL.

For me this is the genuine LIFE ´S PURPOSE. The perfect equation which includes the widely feeling of our FIVE SENSES; otherwise why would we have them. This feeling can be easily seasoned with the wisdom of our INNER VOICE.

I am very grateful to you in BODY AND SOUL for your time and to have met you through my blog. Let us carry on working on our goal with ONE FOOT ON THE GROUND AND A HAND IN THE SKY.



The act of bringing back into awereness a “MEMORY”, a feeling, a desire, an idea…etc or bringing back to memory somenthing latent or something already “FORGOTTEN

The awakening

The wide definition of this verb defines perfectly the feeling of the coming back to the real existence. It is that feeling that embraces every human being, sooner or later, when one gets back to his/her HOME.
Welcome back, my dear readers. Today´s picture is that of this amazing raptor, the owl; through the centuries it has been the symbol of silence, of intelligence, of justice,of intuition and of the spirit.
Personally, I find it a fascinating animal, with a look that seems almost human. We should all praise and emulate its observation skills and its silence.

The life´s purpose

Going back to the blog´s title we are sharing ..I will tell you how “awakening “ and “owl”got togehter. I have chosen “Awakening” as an equivalent to the meaning of life, a sense I wanted to transmit to you, or at least this is how I associate it to AWAKENING; it is that desire to wake up from our DREAM; a desire which patiently waits for that moment, when we are ready to do so, when we choose to do it, when it is the right time for our soul to call out to us from our deepest inner side.
Sooner or later, in this life or another, we will all realise we have the same message engraved with LOVE in our DNA: go back home. It is a slow awakening, to the most important feeling, that of WORTHINESS; the worthiness that is always there but it only depends on us to RECOGNIZE it and RECALL we are all members and parts of a WHOLE.

Gods on earth

We all have inset abilities for we are all Gods on earth. Let us start opening our eyes and see the true light from a world of duality and based on complementarity. If this was not the case, how would we be able to appreciate the abundance if we had not felt needy? How could we know the meaning and the feeling of happiness without having felt sadness?…It is enough to be connected directly to our intuition and always follow it.
I feel good; this happens when I think with God´smind (everyone is free to substitute God´s concept and called it universe, energy, Budda or simlpy oneself). I feel bad; this happens when I put aside my king´s or Queen´s crown and do not value myself. I believe, and so should you, that the purpose of our life and our terrestrial experience is to live this life as the only existing paradise; we have to enjoy fully its abundance, love and health, as much as we can and are able to accept it.

Patience,temperance, wisdom… like an owl

We should learn patience, temperance and wisdom from the owl; it waits patiently at sunset, totally camouflaged in a branch of a tree, ready to strike with all its predatory abilities, using them as soon as a prey get close to its action´s zone. We all have a role in this world and it does not matter if we belong to the vegetal, animal or human kingdom; we all play a unique role, perfectly orchestrated, in perfect harmony, for God´s action always has a clear purpose. God is everything and we are God.

Life is an invaluable gift

Everything has a reason and a purpose in life. The owl kills its prey and by doing so it keeps the balance in the animal kingdom. I would like to leave you some space for the following reflexion : Have we opened at least one eye to become conscious of the damage we are causing to our sourrounding? We all have a consciousness. When I say damage, I refer both to the ecosystem and to ourselves. At the end of the day it is all about remembering who we are, where we are comimg from, and where we are heading to… let us remember we are here just for a while and we fully deserve to enjoy this invaluable gift called life. The dreamer of a dream as stated in “ A course in Miracles”, this amazing gift came into my life to shake me and wake me up and gosh, I DID wake up!

Live and let live

When you really wake up, you realise that the only truthful meaning of life is LIVE AND LET LIVE and not just by saying it but by applying it. This is a compromise with oneself and with life, to avoid going back to dream again. Once you wake up there is no going back. When you wake up is very clear that the responsibility with yourself and with life grows esponentially.
You cannot use the excuse anymore “ I did not know…” The only acceptable attitude is “ I am going to live this transient experience with all the honours because this is the way Gods deserve to live.




In these days I was planning to  produce a new video about Balance-in to post it in my socials and finally I made my mind up. How is it possible, I can see it clearly and vivid in my mind but the result is not exactly what I want to communicate? Well, that is easy, too often we are and act in the way people expect us to. How much longer will I have to live “ borrowing the neighbour´s glasses” instead of seeing through my own eyes or using my own glasses, considering they are perfectly made for my sight?

How do you see it?

How do I see it? The answer is CRYSTAL clear. So let us go for a new round, in my heart and always following my intuition. I am receiving phone calls at the studio from my regular clients who ask me : Are you not going to give more pilates lessons then?..ooh Gosh..I was enjoing so much that short therapy´s session during our lesson! Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, human beings are like this, the same dog but with a collar eqquiped with more and different extras. Getting used to new things is indeed hard, especially when we deepen in our body posture, which is simply a reflection of our attitude towards life. It has cost me a few videos before being able to change the direction of my focus; now I am much more coherent and multi-directional with my new me. I can see it like this and I show it to you like this. It does not make any sense to cut the wings of my learning process, I was limping and limiting my abilities. Moving my body has always been for me an expression of connection with my emotions, I have always been guided by my internal thermometer. My coherence was crying aloud for a change in line with my new level of personal evolution, this is how I SEE IT and how I show it to you now.

The new method

Yesterday my son Pablo asked me: Mum, are you sure you have it clear ?  I refer to your new focus, your new method. My direct answer was: “this is only a new way to show it to the world.  I have been doing it personally for ages, transmtting it in a subliminal way, without naming it, but now has come the right moment to put it at the service of all those who are seriously compromised and decided to live their life with plenitude.

Are you sure you have not seen yet that mistreatment we self impose every single day?
Let me make it more clear: have you realised that everytime we want to disconnect, relax or celebrate we do it through external stimuli like abuse of food, alcohol, smoking…apparently we are celebrating our happiness by putting our senses to sleep, Watch out, I am not saying that having a glass of wine or smoking a cigar in a mindful and controlled way… is bad! I am saying this as the smoker I used to be without any type of  prejudice( I belong to the group of ex smokers who do not mind someone smoking next to them). At the same time, as a great wine´s lover, I have discovered in this stage of home sweet home that I was part of that routine too, starting with the excuse it was thursday evening and I needed to disconect, as many of us mortals do by drinking wine.  Well, now it is totally different and that “I need to” has turned into, if I feel like.

I see it from the inside with the eyes of my soul

Going back and focusing on the sight again…and as everything happens in a sequence of events, very soon I am having my eyes fixed…I see it from the inside with the eyes of my soul and now I want to go back to that time I could see it clearly near and faraway without using my glasses, but rather with the eyes of my body. My sight was not tired to see, it was tired of not wanting to see, this is why, now, I am using my new lynx eyes for the first time and I will not miss a single detail of this precious gift called life. New life, new focus and new eyes.

I challenge you to asnwer  this question with honesty and courage..Do you want a new focus in life using your own eyes or do you chose to carry on seeing with other people´s eyes?

The ball is always in your court. Whatever you choose, it´s great, but do yourself a big favour, be sure you make the choice.

Thank you for your time, one post more written and let us carry on AWAKENING TOGETHER.



How are you?I am very pleased to see you here once again, please take a seat , abstract yourself from whatever is not your-self, for this is the moment to share these lines.

The credits of the film start and finally the title “ Forrest Gump”.  Correct, today we will get into the movie moods… Fiction or reality?  We can identify ourselves more in one film than in another, depending on our mental chip, what we can define in a colloquial way as  life experiences.

Lights, Camera, Action…

Even though it may seems weird I had not fully watched this film until yesterday, the very well known and winner of many Oscars “ Forrest Gump”.

I was touched by its simplicity and yet by its complexity. If I were to describe this filmI would do it with one of my long and most used phrase “everything is possible”.

In  a very natural and amazing way, Forest, the protagonist , discovers the superhuman power of his legs in a moment of “survival and defence” when he is able to run away as never before.

Life is always very wise, apparently pushing us to the limits..!

Turn the circumstances around so that every challenge becomes an opportunity

From his mental disability rises his advantage, a mind free from contaminations, envy and evil bringing him multiple opportunities in moments of great valor.  Learning and discovering become his master, giving him the ability  to turn the circumstances around and transforming them from challenges into opportunities. Everyone around him receives some type of benefits  from his generosity. How wonderful to be yourself without the need to pretend and be able to make things easy even when they seem unreachable, living with the dedication and spontaneity of a child. In this world everything is a duality and our protagonist´s innocence is challenged by the cruelty of some other school kids who turn to be great masters for Forrest.  They start to persecute and make fun of him, causing  him to  start running away, breaking the apparent limits of his own legs.  Forest himself is amazed with his new ability which becomes part of his concept in “run Forest, run”

Empowerd by “his new self “and without even realising it, he is now running all the time. It does not matter if he is in a hurry or not, if he is going to school or home, he runs and runs because he feels free.  Maybe because he feels safe. But one day, suddenly, he  stops. In this precise moment he realises, that in reality, he is running away from himself and decides IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE TO CARRY ON RUNNING ANYMORE!

Ooh Goosh, how I identify myself with all this! I suppose many of you too.

The language of our emotions

I would invite you to analise a bit more our character´s personality and consider the following reflection: who is happier and more successful, the person with emotional or with academic intelligence? My dear friends, would you not agree with me that the teaching of our emotional language should be applied from our tender age?

Forrest is coming from a family defined as disfunctional ( he lives only with his mum and does not even know who his father is) but he counts with his mum´s limitless emotional support, who teaches and  gives him constant examples through her own actions. This makes it possible for her son to grow up, despite his apparent disability, with an impressive emotional intelligence, displayed and applied with authentic mastery all through the movie. Amazing messages showing how  we can navigate peacefully around the world without perishing in the attept.

It is extremely important to be aware of the rules that allow us to navigate by following our inner voice. If you tell me that for you 2+8 is 12, perfect!  This is your reality and I respect it. Maybe you have just created a new formula and you are not even aware of it!

There are as many realities as people

 How many times have we insisted on some matters just to be right!  At this stage of my life is  “crystal clear” to me there are as many realities as people!  If I could be  in your shoes I would walk exactly the way you do! Authentic empathy. Emotional intellingence is always the best master to offer a balanced equation between you and me. I finished to watch the full movie with a heart full of happiness and totally touched by it. 

My most sincere congratulations to Tom Hanks for his role, for his chamaleonic abilities , to be able to show through Forrest´s eyes, such a beautiful soul, such sensibility of character, supposely having a mental disability but with a spirit full of mindful messages, showing  what is really meaningful in this experimental and terrestrial life.I salute and applade with praise all those “ with mental disabilities” living this terrestrial experience and passionate messengers of love, goodness able to show us how to live without perish in the attempt.



Get your favourite pillow and open yourself to the immensity of “everything is possible”…close your eyes and be transported into the magic world of your  dreams

I follow my ritual every day and today is no exception; I get up, I immerse myself and observe with joy my interior conscientious space, I have breakfast and make the bed.  While I am pulling one of the bed sheet, for a moment, I am taken back to my tender ages, when my mother used to tell me “ the order in your bedroom is the order in your head…” Do you feel the same as me,that  everything sets off well at the start of the day when you have made your bed? While I am giving the finishing touch to the quilt and put in order all the cushions you can see in the picture, my little inner voice whispers “ this bed saveguards many dreams that came true…so many dreams turned into reality while I was sleeping here!

Dream endlessly…because dreams are the meaning of life

I run to get my mobile because I want to capture a picture of my bed… the plot of my new post is in production!

Life, dreams…I enthusiastic mind reaches out to the Baroque period, Calderon De la Barca and his theatrical “ life is a dream”, which coincides 1000×1000 with the focus of what these lines want to trasmit; free will vs destiny, plenitude  and freedom of the human being vs social dictations.

I leave the following thoughts in this page and I invite you to analise them

Would you say dreams are repressed passions crying out to see the light and become reality?Do you think dreams give us clear messages to re-set our compass, to re-define the direction of our life´s journey?Are we the creators of our destiny?From my life experience and based on my observation I answer with a definitive YES..this is how I feel and live it..

Has it ever happened to you that you had a dream so real, so beautiful, while dozing, half asleep and half awake and you told yourself “ make it last a bit longer…”?

Of course life has two faces. This is why, with lot of love, we should give some space to those dreams we define as less pleasant, and certainly they are so, or at least this is how we perceive them.

Those dreams, apparently without any logical sense, where people and situations are mixed upside down, are infallible indicators that our subconscious want to tell us somenthing…a  way out to a better reality.

Those dreams we define as “bad dreams  or nightmares” ( just consider how we referr and judge them) bring to the surface fears and pains covered deep down in our BEING.  My dear travelling fellows take special care to those dreams that repeat themselves again and again.. I can assure you that if you have the perseverance and the willingness to remember them and open yourselves to THE CONSCIENCE THAT KNOWS EVERYTHING, you will discover, little by little, the meaning of their message; slowly , slowly discovering the origin of your  wounds…the same ones that refrain all of us from reaching our highest desires.

We are here to write our best “ theatrical play”, not only to leave it written in a booklet or lost in a drawer…Let us accept with happiness and courage the challenge of this terrestrial physical experience, given to us as a present, like the scriptwriter of our existence!

Open your eyes to the dreams!

Open the eyes to dreams.. live, laugh, cry, get excited, feel fear, doubt…look for the steps that will lead to your reality, the one you want to experience.. at the end what is a dream and what is a reality? Who decides it ?

In my humble opinion and if this can bring you some benefits, LIFE IS A Calderon used to say. The day I give up dreaming will be the day I will have completed my life´s cycle, this is how I feel it..In the meantime the curtains of the theatre will open up every morning. This is how I see life, a magical awakening, full of dreams as real as I allow them to be.

This confinment I am living and have lived, has been a gift which helped me to re-structure my life, my dreams and my new direction. I can confirm that  our FEARS are the only distance between dreams and reality.. I embrace them and push myself, once more, to reach my best version.

I decide to make of BALANCE-IN® my life, I bet on it, I  keep on DREAMING AND CREATING.. I will  go on…Are you coming with me?



Come on in…!  This space is always open for you. Put yourself at ease and take a seat. The play is starting. I tell you …

Maybe you are asking yourself what is the connection between the picture with the gummies and the title “ love yourself for real love yourself more” ? And you are very right to ask yourself this question. I will open the drop down list so you will see the connection.

The other day, in one of those “invaluable”  visits to the “supermarket”, where everyone was wearing a mask, I passed in front of a very tempting bag of gummies and my mouth started  watering inevitably. My God, how delicious! Straight into the basket! 

I arrive back home, put the shopping in its place, blah , blah, blah…basically doing what every person does when returning from shopping. But with the “candies” I have the childish habit to open the bag and put all of them in a crystal bowl, as you can see in the picture…I love it!

I  can feel I am flying back in time, to those amazing years of my childhood when we used to celebrate the birthdays at home.  That smell of pure sugar..laughs…without any worries, the freedom.  How nice to recall those moments and revive those emotions!

I abstracted myself for some time ( I am not sure if for 10 or 15 minutes) and went to fly freely

When I came back from that fantstic journey I thought “I simply adore it”!…I put myself in motion for my next post.. down to write!

The moment of thruth is now, so you will be able to understand the connection between the picture and the title I have chosen.

Mother´s Day

The following day, last Sunday,was the first Sunday of the month…celebration of Mother´s day, name-day of every mother and for me of every woman too.  My two sons wished me a wonderful Mother´s day and I felt so touched; the eldest, 24 years old, lives independently  “ Happy Mother`s day mum. I love you”. The joungest, 19 years old, between Saturday night and Sunday 00.00  writes to me from his father´s home” Happy Mother´s day mum, you are the best mum I could ever had. I love you very much”

How many things we have learnt together,  and personally …even more! The journey till here has been long, but worth…so much!  It would be much better  if we were able to  listen to  that voice, which is always right; that inner voice which accompanies us at every step! The comfort ,of being able to carry on despite all the bumps on the way, is immense. There have been, there are and there will always be bumps…Step after step, through dark forests, which are our great teachers, we have learnt to climb higher.  And yes we do learn, of course we do.  I hold on, in line with the interior wisdom…I have kept my confidence. NOW life is telling me again” here you are, your undeniable evidences, decisions you made and you did it well, firm in front of strong winds and high waves…here you are, more presents for you…you deserve them. We enrich each other and we learn to respect one another too.  What a satisfaction! I felt and I feel  full of happiness.

To love; is so good to love oneself with responsibility and give ourselves the right place when we know we have to do it. I am decided and I am taking action in first person, jumping over that tight knot of “what will they think”, “ How can I behave like that” “ I must sacrifice myself”…and all those social dictations and programmings trespassed  down from generations to generations. Unfortunately we have absorbed them as absolute thruths  without even thinking “ Is this right for me?.. Should I express my opinion about it? egoist are the kids…!  My dears, once again our index finger is pointing at ourselves with such a clarity.  Are you firm? Do you talk about your needs with those you love? Do you love yourself? And the one million dollars…Do you listen to your inner little voice or do you shut it up and drown its messages?

“ Love yourself for real…to love yourself more”

The only possible way is to engrave with profound respect the following belief in our heart “ you will love your neighbour as yourself”. Only if based on this, you can build a honest relationship with unconditional, respectful and delicate love.   Start with yourself, if you love yourself for real then you will love more and you will be loved back even more!  Make these reflections ! Can you remember what the airstewardess says when they give you the basic security procedures? In case of cabin depressurization the oxigen masks, contained in the compartment above, will drop automatically in front of you. First of all wear your mask, breath in and then you can help other to put their mask on.  Be corageous and honest with yourself…it is very easy to fall into victimism or  live under the influence of secondary benefits.

From our victimism we feed the “ he/she did this to me, he/she told me this, I cannot do anything about it”..Stop and think!: Do you want to be trapped like an hamster in the wheel or do you want to get out of it with the power of “just jump”?

As a secondary benefit we can sense that suspicios attitude to control other people; by doing so we prefer to persist in our “ suffering and complaining mode” which is our well known comfort zone;  we should not depend on anyone apart from ourselves.

 Let us take the bull by the horns  and be responsible for our own life, let us build our life starting from our own “ self” and let us give others the opportunity to learn and choose how they want to build their own life

Unconditional love…towards ourselves first…LOVE YOURSELF FOR REAL …TO LOVE MORE.


This triggered  a sequence of words like: “different, freedom, breaking the mould, get out from the status quo, dare”.  Another sentence followed automatically “I dare to be “. Soon after, another mental click takes place and I ask myself “ would it be possible to see sheep more weird than a black one? What if there could be sheep of my favourite color, orange? Who knows if there is any image showing orange sheep?…of course there must be some…

Curious like a child I started to look in Google and typed in ” pictures of orange sheep free from any copyright”.  I scrolled page after page, until, there they were…beautiful..three of them, with a fantastic orange fleece! Immediately I thought..these are definetly more rare than a black sheep ( they will coincide with my singularity…have a look at the picture accompanying this post).

Without having to look for it, these were the preliminars that inspired me to choose the title of my third post, giving me the pleasure to share it with you now.

I dare to be

“I dare to be” Now I feel I have achieved the inner strenght to give myself the permission to be. Everything goes through a process that re-writes all those life´s events, that in some circumstances, hurted us and left signs deep down in our being. Life is very wise and it presents those same events, again and again during our terrestrial journey, until we are exhausted by the sufferings and finally point the finger at ourselves. We become aware of the lesson and this allows us to re-write the event, like in a tabula rasa and make of it our new healthy vision.  From here, we move on with the total certainty that we will find more obstacles to overcome, new difficulties to learn from, new bridges to cross; this is the marvellous price we have to paid to be alive, embracing changes and uncertanties!

I am here with you

I am here with you, offering you my hand, enriched with my own personal experience. We can nurture each other…as I did when it was my time..I accepted the evidences and in that moment I asked myself “ how is it possible that some events repeat themselves over and over in my life”?  It seems that some people are there to remind me of my pain, my fear, my lack of selfesteem..blessed people, blessed circumstances!.. they were showing me IN CAPITAL LETTER, underlined in black ink to LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF. They were and are very valuable teachers who vibrate in our same frequency. Teachers who obblige us to get out of our comfortable zone (even though the comfort is painful, yet is very familiar..) unless we choose to perpetuate the pain and so re-experience it over and over again. The choice is always ours.

From my personal experience, if this can be of any help to you, I can state that every human being has the right and almost the obligation to dare to be…what each one wants to be, breaking the pattern and like  “orange sheep” jump over the norms imposing us how things need to be, like this or that…The only condition for this journey is to go with a very light equipment  and FORGIVE.  Proceeding from an inner space that have been carefully analised and healed. The paradise is here, if we want it to be here. If life gives you a spanner, a hammer and a screwdriver you have two options: a)What the hell do I do with this? b) How lucky, I have three tools!”


Create and carry on being an optimist, always embracing the feeling of gratidude. 

The gratitude offers us the opportunity to evolve, to move on, to re-write the most difficult chapters of our life and most important of all, to forgive ourselves. The  act of self-forgiveness is tough but can be done. Of course it can be done! With a strong  conviction, stepping forward, with gratefulness, with an open heart and full of curiosity.

Dare to be yourself, dare to break the mould.. What do you want to do? What is your passion? Do you already know the purpose of your life?..It does not matter if you are 18 or 90 years old, there is always an opportunity to feel better in your-self! Would you like to focus on your daily life as if it was an enjoyable game full of colors and enthusiasm or do you prefer to focus on grey and boring daily obbligations?

Come on in, the door is wide open for you…BALANCE-IN® ..your inner voice is desperatly calling you to get your attention.  Dare to be different. Plan and create your own  Journey! Please, believe you deserve all the best life has to offer.  The only distance between YOU AND YOUR BEST VERSION is in your mental programmings.  Reset yourself, start afresh, NOW it is the right moment.  You are free, open your wings and fly have so much to tell to the world. This is your time, the time to nurture yourself and others thanks to your unique virtues, those virtues that identify only you and nobody else. Go on…I go WITH YOU! Are you ready to discover it?

Dare to be! ?

The new post of my blog starts paraphrasing Gardel´s beautiful tango “ Volver”. This is a very intimate space and I am thrilled to share this with you,it is based on facts so real like life itself.

Early this morning, while I was opening the drawer of one of my piece of furniture in the sitting room, a picture caught my attention. A picture I had not seen for ages ( the one on the right). Mamma mia…it has been soo long! By pure chance..another picture of the past suddenly pops up in my mind ( the picture on the left). I look for it and decide to put it next to the other like a collage. I keep staring at the older picture; a time of my life I did not mind revealing my age; in a snap of a finger I am taken to my mental archive…unbelivable! In a blink my long term memory transports me to some real moments in that space, very close to my thirties. I was in full decade´s change; it usually happens to me every decade ( or so I have been noticing)I was in the full swing, ready to make life changing decisions both at personal and professional level.

Balance-In, the method

I kept flying back to that stage of my life for a long while. It is simply unbelievable how our mental programmings work. It was enough just to press a simple visual button ( the picture) to revive so cleraly and vividly scenes from the past, people, perfumes, like if I was living in a film and the old me was the main actor. As you can inmagine I bumped into some very pleasant memories and some not pleasant at all…This was more than enough to put in action my daily method “focus on what you do not like, re-write it and focus again on how you would have liked it to be, visualise it with positive emotions as part of the mental reset (base of the method Balance-in).

It was like magic. By re-writing it, focusing on how I would have liked it to be and associating positive emotions to it, I managed to change “ the feelings of that memory” from uncomfortable to pleasant.

“20 years is nothing””

Looking now at the more recent picture ( the one on the left) I carry on seeing that adventurer, that joung enthusiast woman and those features depicted by the life´s experience and its positive results.. I am the same person and luckily evolved. Those same experiences which made “a better me”, feeling that same enthusiasm but with a new emotional balance, the result of long year of self observation, self analysis and courage. The courage to look at myself in the face, to see that part of me which is less pleasant, to see those inner damages part of life´s evolution…and yes, as Gardel says in his song, 20 years is nothing. The only difference between those two pictures is my emotional maturity. A journey from that young pure essence who felt guilty and could not love herself enough, to this mature woman I am today, ready to search for a new version of “I was once…” every single day.

I choose the new me

I can state, without fear of being mistaken, that running away from those painful events and trying to ignore them without analysing and re writing them, is only a way to perpetuate them, to live them again and again. This is why, without the slightest doubt,I choose to be the new me, I carry on embracing the essence of that young adventurer with her pure and curious eyes; to this I add fortitude and observacion, slowly, constantly, a little bit today and a little bit more tomorrow.

I respect myself, I know myself every day a bit more,I sink with tact and delicacy into those obscure parts of mine, those same parts that need to be discovered with extreme care.

“Life is a breath” these are the words of this beautiful Tango. This is how I want to live my life, live every moment and experience, here and now.
Life gives us marvellous opportunities, the power to be the architects of our own existence.
We have the opportunity to live this material experience personally, to advance with our soul and heart healed and stronger, able to carry on writing our destiny till the end…then there will be a new BEGINNING
