I REMEMBER MYSELF AS A CHILD… I remember my head, lying on top of the pillow in my bed…I remember my eyes closed… I was half asleep, speaking to THE THREE KINGS… especially to Balthasar, my favorite King, telling him: “bring me what I have asked you for…come on, I am sure you can…even though there are many kids in this world… you can deliver all the presents to everyone… this is why you are a MAGIC KING”
Just do it!
I have always been very reasonable with my requests…I think that from a very young age I had more enjoyment IMAGINING HOW THE PRESENT WAS GOING TO BE than touching and seeing the present itself… the combination of FANTASY AND REALITY has always marked and framed my existence… the EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE is part of my being…almost like breathing…
Now I have lost the FEAR of the past…or better, I have realized I can recognize it perfectly when it appears trying to take control over me…now I have the ANTIDOTE… I can see it…I go over it…and I know that beyond it, there is a marvelous PEACEFUL haven…similar to that feeling of shouting and trembling when jumping in the emptiness…with the adrenaline invading your body…knowing with total certainty, I am on the right track because something is telling me …JUST DO IT…!
I disconnect my MENTAL HEAD, I let myself go, following what the heart tells me to do…even though it may seem senseless…if you hear the call…JUST DO IT… do not think…just feel it…jump…!
You see, my dear friend, I have just had my birthday celebration and I am getting younger…UNCOMPLICATING MYSELF, EMBRACING NEW SENSATIONS…anyone could think I am not evolving…but it is not true…my internal thermometer tells me “ every time you are developing your abilities more and more, every time is more natural TO MAKE A DECISION …every time you are getting closer to YOUR ESSENCE…every time you become one with your INNER CHILD…every time you know yourself more and better.. “
The responsibility of the story is totally yours
I share a few lines I have just written while on the kitchen´s table, after having a few delicious slices of pineapple…and they read like this “ I am writing to you my girl…the one you were once, and still are…just to tell you, I am here with you…TODAY AND ALWAYS…I hug you and I whisper to you: put on LOVE AND PEACE…feel and be aware that your TRANSFORMATION has already happened, fuse yourself in your THREE SPIRITS: past, present and future. Start to taste from the deepest of your WORTHINESS the NEW GOLDEN ERA, so close to you as your own breathing…take pen and paper and start with ONCE UPON A TIME and WHAT YOU LIKE THE MOST…
THE PLOT OF YOUR MASTERPIECE…it is totally yours…you can add or remove anything you please…stop…carry on; if you have it very clear, you decide the rhythm, the color and the taste too…so THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE STORY is totally yours as well. The story I am offering you is as real as life itself…you already know I am a believer of work in action…meaning that without EXPERIMENTS we are simply talking about PROJECTS but not ACTIONS.
Imagine, visualize, take action, make mistakes…but please, I ask you, ACT! …above all, do not deceive yourself, trying to hide behind one of those roles you play with perfection…so perfect, you almost believe it is THE REAL YOU… but deep inside, in that magic space we all have and call conscience, you know it is not real.
In case this can facilitate your journey, I offer you a simple practice: start with small daily actions. I call it the GAME OF YES AND NO. It is a way to become aware, at least three times per day, of how we say NO meaning a massive YES and vice versa…and I believe this last one is the most frequent.
You are faithful to yourself
A PRACTICAL CASE: your neighbor rings the bell: “Hello…how are you…? Blah blah…I am sorry to bother you, but look at my head, it is full of grey hair and I have nobody to look after my little girl while I go to the hairdresser…would you mind if I leave her here to play with your kids…if I bring her with me, she will get bored to death and it will be a pain in the neck…do not feel obliged, tell me honestly, from your heart…” You, on the other side…yes, with the smile overstretched for what she has just thrown at you…but then, you say to yourself…” bear with it…you do not feel like it at all…but…come on…do not be a bad person…”
Now we have just put the salt into the wound: if I say what I really would like to say and answer NO in capital letters, I would feel I am a bad person…because this is the way we have been taught…analyzing the situation in more details: I prefer to say NO to myself than say NO to you…whatever the choice I AM LETTING MYSELF DOWN…if I say no to my neighbor I will feel THE SENSE OF CULPABILITY and if I say YES I am suffocating what my inner self is telling me and what I really want to do…do we agree on this?
Invest in yourself
There is an option in the middle, which is the one where YOU ARE FAITHFUL TO YOURSELF and recognize if YOU WANT TO DO SOMETHING OR NOT, well beyond the SELF-CENSURE… In the end, we are always the creators of our own limits.. if in reality you do not want to do it or it is not the best moment, YOU APPLY THE RIGHT COHERENCE TO YOURSELF and with the best of your smiles, you answer “well today is not the best day…it is my free afternoon…the kids are studying in their room, and I am preparing a relaxing bath so that I will not be able to look after her…I hope you understand…”
SIMPLE as that…it is only a matter of PRACTICE…it is called INVESTING IN THINKING… I wish you, from the bottom of my heart, that your best present for the new year, which is about to start, will be to INVEST IN YOURSELF.