El libro de la SUERTE

This book or better this INSTRUCTIONS´ BOOK FOR A BETTER LIFE, clarified many of my incognita some years ago. It ended in my hands, or to be more precise, I should say that my energy made me look for it in the shelf where it was resting.

What do we call LUCK or even better…what is luck for you?

Depending on your BELIEFS about it, a wide range of EXPERIENCES will take form around you.

The book of luck

Personally, I believe that you can find LUCK inside your heart and in the pocket of your trousers. If I were to define it or give it a form, it would be like this: find yourself in the right moment, believing with strong conviction that you have in your hands the POSSIBILITY to choose what you want, in the same way you select your drink from a dispenser machine: you insert the coins and press the button. 

For those who do not believe much about it, let us consider the possibility that the product they have chosen is not available…their lips will pronounce the following sentence: “Such a bad luck! I was longing so much to enjoy a muffin full of chocolate…!

Actitude is the key

The clue is always TO READ BETWEEN THE LINES…that sweet, we desired so much, wants us to wait, for some reason…the universe controls even this…nothing is left to chance, or at least, this is how I see it.

The phenomenon of luck makes things unpredictable, ORGANISE AND DISORGANISE them, it GIVES AN UNEXPECTED TURN to the situation, in a way that we cannot control, where the best option is to JUMP AND ABANDON YOURSELF in its arms…Maybe, later on, we will be able to give a meaning to that CHANGE OF DIRECTION and we will be able to read the message it was bringing under its arm…Our ACTITUDE is the key, as always; the ability to open ourselves to the most remote and narrow POSSIBILITY , invoking it, for good or for bad; this is when we are CREATING our luck, in every breath of energy that we put into the vast universe.

A coin in the air

When we decide something by throwing A COIN IN THE AIR, we are using a ritual that takes us back to our rich Roman Empire. A habit, we could consider a superstition for those who do not believe much in ENERGY; its origin is actually based on a very ancient tradition, when people were convinced that stagnant waters had healing power.

In the primitive civilizations it was very common to submerge the head of the newborns in the water of a lake or a river, a habit still persisting today in the rite of baptism.

The act of throwing a coin in the water to INVOKE GOOD LUCK and not another object, is the result of a direct association between the coin, symbol of ABUNDANCE and the strong link with a great or a promising FUTURE.

Pure energy

From a more scientific point of view, we would be more likely to talk about PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS. The first, proposes models or patterns that can be predicted with great certainty; the second, techniques that allow us to understand data and RESULTS.

Here is when a third variable comes into the game; it simply happens and there is not any scientific explanation, it breaks all the parameters, it does not obey any predictable nor measurable logic. It is about those events that are the result of PURE ENERGY, able to build CASTLES IN THE AIR; those that do not disappear like soap bubbles; those made of air and yet so real, so strong like cement; you cannot deny their existence but at the same time you cannot explain it either; neither with LOGIG nor with SCIENCE.

From those waters arise the so called and inexplicable MIRACLES which are all around us, everywhere and at every moment. THE ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS for this practice are the following:

  • Remaining very still
  • Maintaining distance and observing, like a spectator in a cinema, with the mind of a child
  • A total absence of any type of judgement
  • An enormous sense of humor; being ready, or at least have a firm intention to dive into the amazing swimming pool of EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE.

From the bottom of my heart, I wish you the very best of LUCK, my dear friend! ?

Renovarse es vivir

A new season, summertime and I would say there could not be a more magical numerical sequence to define its beginning … 21st  day , year 21 and  21st century.

OPENINGS, RENOVATION…Renewing oneself is living. Many new beginnings. As a matter of coincidence, our new webpage has just seen its first new sunrise. We are constant evolution and growth: LIFE IS SO AMAZING!

Renewing oneself is living

It is so important to appreciate it, understand it, dare to live it fully, surrounded and embraced by all the opportunities life offers us. Like a young girl, but with a great advantage: experience. How many years have passed believing this was not possible!

I would dare to say that the majority of this world´s inhabitants have been living under the influence of their elders, who were either complaining or longing… expressing it with the following bitter comment: “ooh…if we could be young again but retaining all the experience we have gained until now…”. Well, I can confirm that THIS IS POSSIBLE: I am enjoying my fifties and realizing that I could not feel better, at all levels…yes you have read properly…

I take great care of my inner self 

Physically I feel amazing, because I love myself profoundly, because I have lost the respect to PERFECTIONISM, and I have found the divine beauty of BEING UNCOMPLICATED. I celebrate the white hair appearing slowly here and there in my head and I emphasize how lucky I am to have just a few of them. 

I take great care of my inner self and my skin is soft and delicate, with wrinkles of course, but they are being loved and hydrated; they tell my story, about my laughs and my tears. My face and my body talk about a long constant work on HAPPINESS, with willpower, perseverance, leaving behind the efforts and the sufferings. I LIVE from a different perspective, and I LOOK from a different point of view, without deceiving myself, feeling very well in my body. I renew myself day after day, I respect myself and I dedicate time to an ACTIVE LISTENING to my own self.

I visit my MENTAL computer; so many labels have been peeled off from my forehead, so many truths I used to consider real HAVE BEEN REPROGRAMMED. Now I know who I really am, now I have a name and surnames, well defined, I am GOD´S DAUGHTER AND LIFE`S DAUGHTER.  Life works for my benefits because I allow it. I Give you a tangible example that just came at the right moment: I feel uncomfortable to show my evolution and to share it with others; therefore, I took a step forward and decided to renew my webpage. I am alive and my webpage too, experiencing the same renovation. RENEWING ONESELF IS LIVING!

Come on and let us go

It is possible to live a great life; the journey is much easier now that I have removed  and freed myself from many PERSONAL AND INHERITED BURDENS, heavy stones attached to my legs, something like walking with two 50 kg of sand bags chained to my ankles…My perseverant nature has always been associated with progress, COME ON AND LET US GO, have always been words part of my daily vocabulary, part of my deepest essence and there is no doubt that any advance is definitely much better without any weights added to the feet.

I can say that MY SOUL sings freely and feels the FREEDOM to be who I want to be, leaving on the side those self-imposed demands to be WHO OTHERS EXPECT ME TO BE…Another massive deceit, another different way to give to others those duties and responsibilities that are always and only ours.

My best version

RENEWING ONESELF IS LIVING; the new summer season we are experiencing is unique…There is only one  21st  day, of the year 21, of the 21st century…It may sound very repetitive but there is only a NOW, today is unique…it may seem that every day is the same as we repeat many actions almost automatically, but in reality it is never the same.

Am I the same person I can see in the photos of my web page? Apparently; a change in my makeup, a different dress, one wrinkle more or one less…The most important is how I present myself, my feelings are different from those I had 15 months ago, from yesterday, from just 15 minutes ago.

Is the content, you can read now in my webpage, the same as the one you found one year ago? I carry on being myself but with something more; more profound, with more experience, more wisdom, always aiming at MY and YOUR BEST VERSION.

I tell you something: “ if you want to go fast, go alone…but if you want to go far…I FACILITATE AND ACCOMPANY YOU IN THE JOURNEY.


¡Esto no es mío..!

Today, I woke up with this title. It is an unusual crisp morning, more like an autumn day than the hot temperatures we are used to experience in this area, in the middle of June.

 I have just opened my eyes, leaving behind a freshly baked dream. It has been so vivid and recent; I easily remember every single detail. I can understand its message with absolute clarity, it could not be more direct.

This is not mine ..!

It is a mixture of characters, some from the past and others from the present; you know what I mean…It is apparently a very strange compound, created by our subconscious, aimed at bringing us some messages that somehow, our soul has asked for. A plot with our mind that our physical body manages to translate and deliver when we are ready to receive them.

In these days I have been dealing with some cleaning tasks, those to RESET and change my ATTIDUDE; those in which we often do not recognize ourselves; those in which we realize we are very far away from who we believed we were; those in which we feel we have been renewed ourselves inside and outside…Basically, those that makes us exclaim loudly …THIS IS NOT MINE!

Every mad with his/her own madness

In my dream I went back to one of my old houses. The house was the same, apart from a few insignificant changes.  It was full of wardrobes. Until this point, everything was amazing, a pleasure to have so many wardrobes and so much space to keep everything in order. The big surprise came when I opened one of them and discovered it was full of clothes, left or forgotten by the previous resident.  What am I going to do with all this…?

At the same time, there were some characters from my past with whom I was trying to have a coherent conversation, but they were totally ignoring me…Every mad with his/her own madness. I was talking about the clothes I found in the wardrobe, which did not belong to me, but their comments had nothing to do with it, at all.

Message received

In the middle of this havoc, apparently a massive chaos, everything had a place, a perfect order…Maybe I just needed to close my eyes for a little while and every piece of the puzzle would have fitted perfectly…And so it was, message received and I will talk about it next:

My dear, you have chosen the awakening ´s process of a constant learner and here you are!

Those clothes in the wardrobe if they do not belong to you, just give them back to the owner. Remember, your responsibility is to take the phone, get in touch with that person and let him/her know you are only responsible for your own things, meaning YOU DECISIONS and YOUR LIFE. If I have not fulfilled your EXPECTATION, I kindly let you know that I am in this world exclusively to fulfill mine.  On the other side, it would be a pity if you were to leave your belongings behind without collecting them, as it is your responsibility. I just let you know; it is your TASK AND DECISION if you want to come and get them or… not. As you can see the MESSAGE always is bidirectional, both sides are perfectly involved in the matter, and this is necessary for a MUTUAL EVOLUTION, where the requirement is that each part needs to work out his/her tasks based on his/her abilities. If we were too good hearted and took on the other person tasks, we would deprive him/her, without even being aware of it, of a great opportunity to REALIZE WHAT IS GOING ON, AWAKE AND DECIDE to change direction.

As I always say, it does not matter if we miss it, as life always puts in front of us the same challenge, over and over again, until we have learnt the lesson by heart and managed to overcome it.

Divine calls of attention

It is beautiful when you know where you are. And the simple fact that one RECOGNIZES AND ACCEPTS IT, is already a great achievement.

Having reached this point, with respect and humility, I must disagree with that poem by Calderon de la Barca, where he says “ …dreams …are just dreams…”. Who knows, maybe Calderon´s intention or focus were very different from ours. I can only say that for me, dreams are DIVINE CALLS OF ATTENTION, helping us to understand and to get out from situations and roles that do not belong to us. This is a way to DREAM A NEW REALITY, starting from a clean and empty wardrobe that is waiting with illusion to be filled with YOUR BEST NEW CLOTHES.

 Now, when I look inside my wardrobe I can say with total certainty, THIS IS MINE! ?

Entre Impuestos anda el juego

In these days, as any other citizen, I am working on the figures for my end of year declaration, to then pay my duties. I am very impressed with myself. I have woken up so much…and for good of course! Before, when I was living the role of victim-sufferer, I used to accept and pay obediently all the duties imposed without even checking if they were right. Now things have changed, I got rid of many ghosts and I look very carefully for any benefit under a strong light. It is very curious; when one is on this frequency, you come across people giving you great advices, like: “ of course, you can deduct this, social works can BE DEDUCTED AS EXPENSES…”

The game of duties

 At the beginning, I thought it would not be appropriate to share this topic in a post, but then I decided to follow my INNER MAGICIAN, who took me to my laptop and here I am, talking about another aspect of my life, neither nicer nor worse, neutral, actually favorable, if I want to increase my advantages and save more this year. As a matter of fact, this is very positive  and I am very careful with any penny I use, saving all I can, here or there… I have already spoken to my accountant and told him, I am pretty sure this year the outcome will be really astonishing…He listened to me a bit perplexed …but it does not matter…this year I am going to win the arm wrestling!

Analysing the meaning of the word DUTY…This is what I am going to do now; removing my mental labels and neutralizing what apparently is difficult to do.  We all agree that the word itself causes  some serious stress. DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES,  PENALTIES …all synonims of OBLIGATIONS, THINGS WE MUST DO…the complete opposite of ELECTION -FREEDOM.

When one door closes a window will open

PAY, PAY, PAY…Let us stop for a moment and let us think about it… It is crystal clear that a protest without action, only causes an increase to our  blood pression and an emotional storm, but the result stays the same.  There is no doubt that we have the duty to pay what is right, but is fair to find how the wind can blow in our favour too…Always  within the legality of course, nevertheless it is important to  look for the right balance without allowing  the system to afflict or depress us. I always emphasize that the more we are up to date with the system, the better we can use the rules of the game to play and win it.

What do you think about it? Our actitude is definetly the most important factor to achieve the best results and for our own benefit. Some of you will be thinking that  attitude does not change the result at all…and I respect your point of view but I must disagree with it…If one is totally sure that, when one door closes a window will open, that window will appear…I translate it and prove it through authentic experience:

When life takes somenthing away from you,  but you are faithful to your idea, on the other side, it will reward you; it works like this. I am referring to tangible things, good and necessary like MONEY

My best version

How can we explain that we always associate very rich  people with dodgy businesses, illegal methods or luck? MENTAL PROGRAMMINGS,  yes indeed and I write it in capital letters too. Everybody likes to live nicely, to have money and to enjoy the best of this world. There are people with plenty of money who  are more legal than others, while there are people  without money  who can be less legal …With an open heart in our hand, are we not labelling people a priori and with a certain degree of envy?

Everyone who does his work with passion and believing in himself, will achieve glory, sooner or later. The same can be said when one looks at rich people with ADMIRATION AND  MERIT; this moves you away from the envy and make you focus on…” I like this person’s life, I am going to cultivate those same qualities in me..” I am grateful to life to put this mirror in front of me, to challenge my abilities daily and helping me becoming MY BEST VERSION.

Are you ready to get out of the mud?

This is not a fairy tale and it requires great dosis of willpower, humility, aceptation and worthiness. Everything else are just complaints and useless naggings.

Are you ready to get out of the mud or are you going to allow them to  dictate how to live your life?

Today as well, I choose to admire those who are a step higher than me and I open my hands to receive what I deserve. I would love if you could open your heart and your hands too and  enjoy all the good you deserve as a divine right. Let it be so! ?

Cambio de armario

Once again, the wheel spins and I find myself back to a CHANGE OF SCENERY, a period of sunshine that is going to stay for some months, increasing the thermoter´s temperature to unexpected levels. I must admit this year I felt a bit lazy about its arrival, but I feel lazier when I look every day at all those thick sweaters on my shelves…just their sight makes me sweat.

Wardrobe change

CHANGE OF WARDROBE -CHANGE OF SCENERY …The curtains open up…and the summer is back once again, peeping around the corner. The story repeats itself…but it is all changed…nothing is ever the same or at least not identical…. This is the way I want to live it, avoiding experiencing the same game over and over, automatically, and I have not got any intention to get bored…This year I am going to make some serious changes.

It looks like things are going to be REINVENTED this time, therefore I put myself in the right disposition to modernize my clothes which are older than a decade and choose something original, kicking the boring fashion, everyone is wearing, out of the way. I do not know if this happens to you too, but when I go out, I realize there is more and more uniformity in the clothes ‘choice. I can understand that people like to follow the fashion´s tendency, but sometimes, I believe I am going back to my days at college, where everybody was wearing exactly the same.

I go back to my REORGANISATION… Now I am in my bathroom. I check my creams´ expiration dates: face, body and anti-cellulite…! How could they not be expired if I am using them less and less…! 

Because i believe it…and so it is

Even though the equation may sound very odd, the older I get the less I use them, LESS TIES AND MORE FREEDOM.  I have more than enough with my almond oil which hydrates my body perfectly and at the same time I give myself a wonderful daily massage, a fantastic anti-cellulite replacement.  I am not sure it is like this BECAUSE I BELIEVE IT…AND SO IT IS, but I can tell you, my skin is amazing …despite being in my pre-menopause.

My sons tell me very often…” look at you, you are so happy… it´s true, for your age you look very well indeed…”. A few years back this sentence would have been like a punch in the stomach…but now it is cute…maybe because I am at that stage of my life where one has gone over the barriers of sound, well beyond what people say about you and you feel very well in your own skin.

I go back to my bedroom…I get all enthusiastic trying and combining the many clothes from the last decade…they are so cool…now I understand why I bought them at that time…this match is fantastic…the sequins with the lingerie and this top with this pair of white trousers is crazy… I am not very sure about those espadrilles with their high soles, I feel vertigo just looking at them…

Illusion and sparks

Never mind… I put all my ILLUSION AND SPARKS in the new season and in the new summertime 2021…I have plenty to do and a wardrobe equipped for seven lives… Ooh my gosh.  How could I buy so much in 20 years? Well, I suppose… actually, I am sure, that before I was giving more value to the appearances, trying to fill my EMOTIONAL HOLES through compulsive buying, but you know what, my dear friends, now I am very happy with myself, and it is a win-win situation under every aspect. Now I see it from above, from a higher EMOTIONAL STATE, able to see things how they really are, mindfully, aware of their meanings and grateful to have the ability to enjoy their MATERIAL component as well; all those pretty clothes make me feel well, full of colors and enthusiasm for the new season about to begin.

What do you do with your stage…?

Life is like a COMEDY HALL, a musical play, A STAGE, where everyone is a producer and an actor at the same time. What do you do with your stage…? Do you revise and change what you do not like and substitute it with everything you really would like?

DISCIPLINE AND PERSEVERANCE are the best allies, led by their older super sister known as PATIENCE, which according to many wise men is the mother of all sciences.

I join the three and salute them, I get them into a line and I go back to my wardrobe to play around like I were Tinker Bell. ?

Ahora si… dentro de unos días… no lo sé

Through this sentence, that gives the title to this short space we share every Friday, I summarize what FREEDOM TO CHANGE MY MIND means to me.

For now, yes…in a few days…I do not know

Sometimes, what initially can be considered as a failure to keep our word and/or lack of seriousness, it can later be seen as one of the most serious compromise with ourselves.  Of course, you can change your opinion… I would say, this should be one of the primary ingredients for our MENTAL DIET… We are exposed to continuous changes in our internal habits as much as our external ones.  

Remember, in the same way we are flexible with ourselves, we can be flexible with others.  We are not failing anyone, nor disrespect anyone, apart from ourselves, if we force ourselves to maintain the same decision just because we have followed our impulse in that specific occasion or simply to please someone to obtain a secondary benefit and apparently be more accepted.

Everything comes from inside…

Through self judgement we tyrannize and oblige ourselves to keep something we knew ,from the deepest of our guts, was not what we wanted to do or say. These are the moments when it is extremely useful to have access to our first aid kit, PUT A STOP TO OUR JOURNEY AND ONE TO OUR THOUGHTS, have a look at our emotional thermometer and check the TEMPERATURE OF OUR EMOTIONS.

Do I feel well?… YES… Then I am being coherent with what I think, say and do. Am I in peace with myself after I have committed to do something? NO. It is clear there is something that should be revised. You can and should say anything you like; the DIALOGUE is the key.   Whatever you say in a proper manner, with respect and out of freedom, deserves an applause.  We are often surprised by the outcomes… Everyone who is next or in front of us, is a screen or a mirror of our best dreams or of our worst nightmares…As the lyric of a song says…” Everything comes from inside…”

Free Will

When we decide to make a choice based on our FREE WILL, the feeling of power is great!  …If yesterday I decided to say yes, even though I was not very sure about it, and yet I said it, today I say no with decision, with my best smile and I give myself permission to change opinion and to change perspective.  This is how I create a different reality in my present, here and now; this is how I am building the near future with other results, different from those of yesterday, when my opinion and my decision were others.  At the end of the day, we are constantly facing a trial and error as the only source of experimentation, evolution and self-awareness.

If we change the focus, the vision will change and with it the result.  Far away from making the concepts muddy, one can be frank, a person of his word and yet able to change his mind.  Clearly, if we change our mind constantly, we will not be able to reach our aims and this would only create a paralyzing chaos in our mind with very little progress; the same would happen if we are stubborn…Everything should be applied with moderation.

The essential is to be coherent with yourself

We are exposed so much to so many external stimuli in our daily life, that it is very hard to STOP AND LISTEN TO OURSELVES.  If we add to this THE FEAR OF SELF CRITICISM, multiplied by the STAGE FEAR, by what people are going to think about us and on top of this, we add a brushstroke of lack of SELF LOVE, the outcome is disastrous.

Nothing is right nor wrong … Nothing is fair nor unfair. The essential is to be coherent with yourself. Follow your instinct, change your mind if you like, but remain faithful to your essence.Never ever betray yourself to please other, nor allow yourself to be carried along by the current and then PUT THE BLAME ON others with comments like: ” I did not want to do it but they convinced me to…” “in the last moment I wanted to back away but it was too late…”

My question is “Late for what? Scared of what?  Accountable to whom?

Life is too short for it. LIVE THE NOW, say YES…Who knows, tomorrow it could be a NO…CHANGING IS NOT ONLY NECESSARY IN LIFE…IT IS LIFE ITSELF. ?

como te llamas

Your name says a lot about who you are and the role you play in this stage called life…It is not only a simple sequence of letters that together create a word. Once it is pronounced in that specific way, it creates a sound which transforms itself into something so inherent to each one of us, that we are tempted to turn around as soon as we hear it, when walking in the street.

What is your name?

Usually there is a LOGICAL THREAD behind it, very often a FAMILY´S TRADITION.  That IMPRINT will accompany us throughout our whole life and will have much more influence than we possibly could think.

Every name brings with it a SYSTEMIC CHARGE, a kind of FINGERPRINT that feeds us and from which we feed ourselves back. Everything has a reason to be and an aim. Therefore, it is important to know how they chose our name; in memory or in honor of whom and why.  We get very surprised when we find out the apparent coincidences with that member of our family´s clan and ourselves…But be careful, we do not only carry the same name…sometimes that comes with the same EMOTIONAL BURDENS as well, passed down from generation to generation.

Knowledge always opens doors

Sometimes our name breaks the mold and has nothing in connection with the typical names inside the family circle; they simply gave it to us because it was fashionable at that time; because our parents liked its sounds or meaning, or maybe because they associated it to a pleasant event… Believe me, even in these circumstances, it has a lot to say about your identity and how your existence flows. I encourage you to investigate the meaning of your name, its origin and why they decided to give you that name and not another one…Many mysteries will be revealed, and many questions will be answered. 

Knowledge always opens doors, it brings new points of view, which can help us to see and understand the situation better, but most important of all, this can give us the opportunity to get rid of heavy burdens that do not belong to us.  We are all connected energetically to each other and maybe, this could be the reason we are carrying a useless burden, dragged down from generation to generation, for the simple fact we have the same name of another family´s member.

Do you identify yourself with your name? 

Do you really like it or have simply got used to it? Would change it if you could do it right now? Do you find any personal resonance with the meaning of your name?

The comfortability or rejection you may feel for your name can give you some interesting leads.  Close your eyes and repeat mentally your name: let sensations come to you intuitively, let them flow freely, without forcing them… Let your EMOCIONAL THERMOMETER brings you the answers.  Maybe the scenes or the sensations that come to you have no apparent connection with the theme of your question… Do carry on and become an observer.  If you do not obtain any result at your first attempt, repeat the same process the day after. The answers you are looking for, are always inside you, let them emerge, at their pace…

The great power our name can have, when repeated day after day

If we apply the principle that everything we repeat through words, actions or thoughts has a specific vibration and a specific frequency and that the more we repeat them the stronger the attraction becomes, would you be able to imagine the great power our name can have, when repeated day after day? Have you ever stopped and thought about how many times we pronounce our name, how many times we write it down or we react whenever someone call it out?

Nowadays the process of changing it is much easier if we want to do it. But if we are happy with it, and even thought we might have discovered there is a powerful link with our family´s systemic weighting heavily over our shoulders, it would be enough, to give thanks through either an intimate letter or a decree to liberate ourselves from all the responsibilities in connection with that familiar burden attached to it…What a relief!

We are all unique and one at the same time

There is no doubt that neither chances nor coincidences exist, or at least this is how I see it.  Everything has an order, a concert in the vast universe we live in.  I invite you to learn a bit more about the very important and crucial role you play in it.

Do you believe that if we were to remove a star from the universe, the firmament would carry on shining with the same strength?  I am pretty sure you would feel that micro-macro energetic emptiness.  We are all unique and ONE at the same time. 

Take up your place, call yourself the way you prefer, but ALWAYS SHINE THROUGH YOUR FREEDOM AND BE LIGHTWEIGHT. ?

¿Amigos o conocidos?

A very tricky question with so many answers as there are people and opinions…Depending on our NEED OF ACCEPTANCE, the list can be longer or shorter. Later on, to be more precise, we will make the proper distinctions between the meaning of friend and acquittance.

Friends or acquaintances?

We are SOCIAL ANIMALS, and we learn to know ourselves by looking into the mirror of the relationships we have with others…We learn to say YES, I LIKE IT/ NO I DO NOT LIKE IT…but how many times have we kept quiet and adapted to the circumstances FOR THE FEAR TO BE LEFT ALONE?  It seems that if we have a large list of friends or acquittances, this transforms us into someone more accepted, better connected and with more positive points in front of society.

I was left totally baffled to find out that you can even buy ACQUITTANCES – FRIENDS AND FOLLOWERS FOR YOUR SOCIALS. You can create a FAKE of yourself, with pictures, a story and everything you would like to be in order to find a respective “VIRTUAL ACCEPTANCE”… In my humble opinion, I believe this is getting out of hand…

Far from being alarmist and looking for troubles, I would like to simplify the question: How far are we ready to go to GAIN SELF-AFFIRMATION and say out loud, from the deepest of our conviction: Am I my best friend?

True Friendship

Let us begin the process of fragmenting the concept among friends, acquittances, reality and virtuality.

TRUE FRIENDSHIP flows easily, is mutual and transparent. In essence, I love you and I show it to you, WITHOUT ASKING ANYTHING IN RETURN. I tell you what I think, with care, but ALWAYS SPEAKING THE TRUTH AS A PRINCIPLE…As you can see, my dear friends, this screening starts the selection, and we can hardly raise two or three fingers of our hand to count them…

Then there is a dozen of acquittances or “INSTRUMENTAL“ PEOPLE, those who simply answer your WhatsApp or fast calls to share some LAUGHS AND WINE…Everything is fine…this is just a description, without any judgements or morals… Only a way to point out …that I always like to know who I am dealing with.

It is an absolute truth, that depending on our evolution, we leave behind situations, friends and experiences, which at times is the product of our own choice but other times, life alone takes care of it and makes disappear some people around us like magic. But, in the same way new others appear, more similar to our life´s perspective, which is in constant transformation.

Better alone than in bad company…

I am pretty convinced that all this obeys an ADJUSMENT TO OUR FREQUENCY, or the energy we vibrate in… I have managed to confirm this and still carry on doing it; if I perceive certain energy in the person next to me, whatever its nature, the other person next to me lives the same experience. In some occasions this can be described as a subtle intuition…that unexplained feeling of uncomfortability with some people…or something similar, that before seemed to flow normally and now is stuck…like a little stone inside our shoe and bothering us…well…at this stage of the post and movie…every one of you should know what I am talking about as a personal experience …

But let us continue forward… well aware that we know where we are and especially with whom we want to be and what is the price for it…at times feeling sad, knowing we are deceiving ourselves… in other circumstances feeling relieved or at least recomforted by the well known self-conviction…”better alone than in bad company…”

The balance between giving and receiving

I do not want to be considered a pessimist …but we are born alone, and we die alone…and on the way…we play Parcheesi with different GAME ´S FRIENDS…in some cases extending the game to acquittances.  It is irrefutable that we ARE OUR BEST FRIENDS.  When we are alone, we learn a lot.  It is from an accepted and processed loneliness that the CHOICE OF FRIENDSHIP result to be more correct, or at least in paper …In friendship as in love, the more points there are in common to each one life´s vision, the better. Of course, thinking differently is very enriching but the basis of MUTUAL RESPECT AND THE BALANCE BETWEEN GIVING AND RECEIVING are fundamental. I take here the opportunity to clarify the concept of …” giving without asking anything in return…”

In reality, even though covertly, we always expect something in exchange, and it is good, otherwise the relationship would be imbalanced. It is another story when each one contributes with his or her best virtues. In this way the friend who is more optimistic would bring happiness to the one who has a tendency to sadness, while the one who is usually sadder, could bring more doses of realism to the other who has the tendency to idealism…A simple COMPLEMENTARY FRIENDLY RELATIONSHIP.

I am going to close today friendly space pointing at each one and everyone one of us and underlining in black capital letters that THE GREATEST FRIENDSHIP´S AND LOVE´S RELATION we have is with ourselves.



What happened with those moments we used to immortalize in papers and place all around the house, making us revive SPECIAL MOMENTS in a simple blink?

The other day my mobile phone alerted me that it was running out of memory…Gosh, almost 2000 photos saved in there!

I started to go through them…It would be beautiful to have this in a frame…and this one…maybe this other one too!


THE VIRTUAL WORLD is amazing and practical, on one side, but cold and dehumanizing on the other, if we do not put a balance to it…as everything in this life!

Our existence, and a big deal of everything we want to know and remember, is kept inside a small rectangle called mobile, something we take with us everywhere. It is like our appendix, camouflaged inside our small vital space…It seems that we need it more than the air we breathe…If we forget it, we run back home for it, like if it were human…this can even cause us a panic attack.

Reality or fiction, are we real or virtual?

I am a supporter of great technological advances, especially in these last years…Nevertheless, I define myself a classic person, so to say, and my inclination puts more weight on the joy I feel when I have a book in my hands, and I can touch its pages, instead of reading it in my laptop… I experience the same when listening to music…I can recall with pleasure and illusion those days when I used to feel in advance the joy of going out to buy CDs … We all know that a simple application, downloaded in our smart phone, offers us all the songs we can possibly desire in a second…Personally, I still prefer the ritual of buying them in a shop, taking them home and putting them in my music player, turn up the volume quite high and let my senses be delighted…For me, this is much more than a simple “Alexa: Elton John´s greatest hits”.

Something for everyone…We have all the choices a rainbow can offers just in front of us… I love evolution, advances but sometimes I ask myself “Maybe we are leaving behind essential parts of our HUMANITY AND EMOTIONALITY? Are we going to pay the consequences of so much technology and control later on?

Every passing day we are becoming more technological, but are we feeling more free or more enslaved?

I remember I once saw a futuristic film, the story of which could take your hiccups away “when the impossible becomes real… and man becomes alienated by his own technological creations…”

I go back to focus again on the thematic we are dealing with…and even though EVERYTHING IS PART OF EVERYTHING, today I want to remember and share with everyone outside there, the beauty of a paper photograph and the deep value it has for me. That perpetuation of our story, that legacy left for our future generations…We could easily get a better understanding of our existence, the history of our family tree, of our ancestors, of our tribe.  A very important connection to understand better those who came before, the ones who are here and now in this physical dimension and those who will follow…

Because…somehow, PHOTOGRAPHS represent our GENETIC MATERIAL, not only to find out a resemblance at a PHISICAL LEVEL, but MOVEMENTS AND BEHAVIOURS too.

Special moments

 “A picture is worth thousand words”, this is an expression able to clearly manifest the concept in a few words… I stand up for photos printed in paper, as we used to do before…They decorate our homes with those SPECIAL MOMENTS.   We should teach and pass down to our youngsters the importance of EVOLVING THROUGH TRADITIONS.

Let us keep alive those small habits that link us to the roots of our HUMAN ANCESTRAL WISDOM. Let us carry on with constant evolution, where TECHNOLOGY AND HUMANITY goes hand in hand in loving brotherhood.

We will walk forward like equilibrists on that subtle line that makes a great difference…on top and in between the two polarities, avoiding to increase the weight of that technological phenomenon, which in the end, may possibly swallow us up.  ?

This morning, while I was walking in the amazing park of Maria Luisa, a SIMPHONY OF PERFUMES quickly invaded my nose: earth, flowers, trees… at the same speed I started to EVOKE MEMORIES that immediately transported me to events in different TIMES AND PLACES…Have you ever asked yourself how and why this can happen? 

What do your memories smell like?

Memories triggered by scents are much stronger than those coming from the senses of sight and hearing. Very often these memories take us back to events belonging to our tender childhood. On many occasions we remember more the SENSATIONS we lived and associated with those smells, than the scenes or the events themselves.  We could almost define them as FLASHBACKS. They are able to activate our entire body…If we close our eyes and focus, we can LIVE THOSE EMOTIONS ONCE AGAIN and it is so real that we feel we are still living them as if it were now.

We are PERFECT ANIMALS and for this reason we are equipped with a perfect brain. Inside our brain there is a kind of PANDORA BOX WITH OUR MEMORIES. It is almost like inserting a coin in a cold drink vending machine, where you chose the drink and simply press the button.  The LIMBIC SYSTEM works in the same way.  As soon as you smell something, the server activates your mental processor inside the GIANT COMPUTER and starts searching for the associated memory in our archive.  It is very clear that we remember it in an abstract way, but the EMOTIONAL IMPACT can be very intense and physical.

Misteries and abilities of our mind

DREAM OR REALITY? How is it possible that I can reconnect with an event, apparently so far back in time, and yet experience it with such liveliness? There is still so much to discover about the MISTERIES AND ABILITIES OF OUR MIND!

Yes, my dear friends, we are PRIMITIVE AND OLFACTORY ANIMALS.

I recall with sweet tenderness an episode involving my second child, when he was recently born. It was about 15 days after his birth.  We were in full phase of adaptation, for me, as much as for him; in that moment when the child absorbs so much of your attention that you have not got any time, not even 5 minutes to have a relaxed shower.

Pablo was crying and crying in his cradle, I was with him inside the bathroom, and intuitively, I put my dressing gown just next to his little face…the effect was magic and immediate…The garment, saturated of my smell, calmed him down in a blink…magic? Not really…the association of the smell from the dressing gown whispered in his ear: “it is only for a moment, you are safe, you are in your COMFORTABLE ZONE”.

I will never forget how he fell asleep, curled up in my dressing gown, that one he had associated with his TRIBE, with his ORIGIN.

Renew or die

In the same way we pair up romantically.  Everybody knows that we choose our partner greatly influenced by his or her smell and by all those connotations associated with it. It is the smell of someone who could contribute to the IMPROVEMENT OF THE SPECIE, moving it to a higher evolutionary step in the following GENERATION.

RENEW OR DIE…this is the message, from the beginning of the world.  This SELECTION is common to all species…The human being was not going to be an exception.

I jump at the picture at the top of these lines.  As you can see, I am an ANIMAL quite olfactory, and I enjoy mixing PERFUMES.  Personally, I prefer to be surrounded by citric and fresh perfumes, using them with simplicity, without any complication and with cleanliness…Maybe because this reminds me of my mother´s smell?

You got it right!

Go back to the origins

As you can see, we go back to the ORIGINS where every single smell has A VERY STRONG EMOTIONAL AND ANCESTRAL CONNECTION.  

The smells are our first memories…Deeply engraved in the most hidden parts of our brain.  Breath in deeply and feel it… Live that film as many times as you like it…the choice is very wide, and this influences even which washing power we go for: this one instead of that one.  Our smell influences us a lot…and that can be applied to smells that are unpleasant too, of course.

There are SMELLS… for every type of person.  Enjoy them and REMEMBER that if you like them, it is not simply by CHANCE. Awake your senses and your memories. Close your eyes so that you can focus more and …HAVE A HAPPY JOURNEY BACK TO THE PAST FROM THE PRESENT. ?