Dolce far niente

How sweet is this philosophy, imported from mother Italy, in which one surrenders oneself completely to a TOTAL LACK OF EXPECTATIONS, to A MINDFUL DOING NOTHING, almost going back to a early beginning, when we were babies. Now you can see how, sometimes, the secret of great results is hidden in the most elementary thing.  The one that we do not conceide to ourselves too often, just to avoid feeling TOO LAZY OR TOO IDLE…Maybe this is exactly the key to what we call LUCK…Personally I consider it more an INSPIRATION,  that state of mind in which we flow easily, like a balloon left free, flying higher and higher, apparently without any aim, but in such a lightness that you almost get hypnotised. 

The sweetness of doing nothing

I have just finished to practise my daily ACTIVE MEDITATION,  meaning my yoga exercises, absorbed in a pleasant purr, while stretching and twisting from one side to another, wishing that this space were endless. Like in the morning, when we give orders to our eyes to open up and start the day, and yet we keep on lying down like paralized, trying to extend a bit more that heaviness of our eyelids, THAT MINDFUL RELAX, suggested in a very soft voice and whispering: “ just a bit more…simply enjoy this sweet DOING NOTHING…without even daring to make a move. It is a space in which the TIME STOPS and we experience that total peace of mind, without worrying about what will do next…It is a complete ABANDON, where time and space become very blurr, without any type of CONTROL….An amazing SWEETNESS OF DOING NOTHING.

My energy flies whimsically towards Oscar, my life companion, who, in these days, is visiting his family in Italy, his native country; I am still submerged in my relaxation, and that marvellous latin expression gives me the idea to title the post I am sharing with you in this moment…I take advantage of this and I run to my laptop…Simply like this…I trap those whispers, that inspiration which guides me to write a different script and a different thematic every Friday, to share a new story with you all, my dear readers, every week.

Everything I project from inside is what I find outside

I believe, every day more and more, that EVERYTHING I PROJECT FROM INSIDE IS WHAT I FIND OUTSIDE,  I surrender myself to THE CERTANTY OF THE IMPROVISATION…it is a sort of…”I never know what I will write about next time, but I actually know it…” I hope I will be able to transmit this feeling to you with clarity, through the expression that I really love a lot and I totally agree with…” I have faith in my destiny, a total trust that everything will come out well”…and for this,  you need to stay alert, yet in an apparent state of doing nothing…In this way, anything can give you a clue for THE NEXT STEP. 

In a rational or irrational way, we carry on having an irresistible impulse in our genes to forsee what will happen to us…but above all, to move in the right direction towards OUR BEST VERSION, supported by the complicit wink of the universe.

Time to feel more alive

You should believe me when I say that, what may appear to be the most catastrofic outcomes, are in reality the greatest lessons…maybe in those moments of more chaos, thanks to the DOING NOTHING, we can organise and understand the message, remaning long enough to trascend it and pass to someone else the sweet, NOW I AM NOT DOING ANYTHING…Life is very wise and it gives us UNEQUIVOCAL SIGNS suggesting it is time to TAKE ACTION.

In the meantime I put the laptop on the side and I dedicate myself some more time of APPARENT BOREDOM OR TIME OUT…I invite you to practise and enjoy its pleasant  effects…For me, is totally the opposite…TIME TO FEEL MORE ALIVE.

Remember, that you can find the best SECRETS OF THE UNIVERSE in that space full of identity, simultaneously without names or surnames to define it…to which all of us has a direct access.

I wish that you can fully enjoy the sweetness of doing nothing of your choice…at the end…all roads lead to Rome… ?

me oyes bien

Can you hear me properly..?

How often would you say you use this “catchphrase”?

Yes, you read it right. I say “ catchphrase” with all the INTENTION…Well…do we ever ponder if we are actually HEARING OR LISTENING?

Can you hear me properly..?

I am a strong supporter of the popular wisdom, and right now, a very much used expression comes to my mind; one that fits perfectly the reflection about the concept that we are dealing with…”like the person who hears the rain…”meaning, the one who TURNS A DEAF HEAR TO IT;  a situation where I do not pay ATTENTION nor I close my ears…but it is considered like a BACKGROUND NOISE. 

It is not a matter of going against the flow, but personally, I love to LISTEN, with all the five senses,  to the sound of the falling rain, something I almost consider a melody.

Obviously we come to face with our friend  WILLINGNESS, the same one that we put into action when we really care for something and we are more than ready to listen to carefully; we sharpen our ears, our hearing and our neurons to focus on the subject of our SELECTIVE HEARING, with body and soul.

i only hear what i want to hear

Let me give you a practical example my dear friend.

A group of friends, which cannot be more than 4 in these times…All very happy to be able to share some laughs and some good food…Someone starts a conversation about …you know what…yes…what else could it be..the present situation, the use of masks, the movement’s restrictions and the vaccines…

We have just hit the nail on the head…the fuse catches fire and the group takes different sides,  breaking in two groups of two…two looking forward to having the injection and the others do not even want to hear about it.  What has started as a very civilized dialogue, with one person talking and the others LISTENING attentively and with respect, is now warming up into a heated discussion, where nobody is listening anymore and there is instead a desperate attitude.. “ I am just waiting for him to finish talking to CONTER-ATTACT…I am not at all interesting in his opinion and this is why I behave like the one who HEARS, when in reality, I am totally DEAF and I ONLY HEAR WHAT I WANT TO HEAR; everything else is just a sequence of sounds coming out from his mouth and nothing else…

Does this sounds somehow familiar…?

Listening is an act of silence

This is how we are; for us, LISTENING is an effort…Why? Honestly I believe that listening is EMPHASISING with the other, but most of the times, we actually want to IMPOSE OUR JUDGEMENT AND ABOVE ALL, BE RIGHT.

I read this sentence somewhere in a website and I really loved it: “LISTENING is an act of SILENCE“. While our INTERNAL DIALOGUE carries on hammering in our head, there is no way that we can listen to others.

Once again, I suggest the following: “Why do not we start from ourselves?” That STOP OF THOUGHTS and MENTAL NOISES based in our precious little head, is the best master to introduce us to the art of LISTENING to our INNER SELF. A way to tame that CAGE OF CRAZY IDEAS in order to separate the IMPORTANT from the DISPOSABLE, recognising the NOISE FROM THE MELODY…Just have a go and you will see…The enormous difference!

THE BALANCE starts in the INNER SELF. Amazing inner works, reflected  in the outside, a PERFECT BALANCE between knowing how to LISTEN and when to SPEAK, those sweet moments of SILENCE AND REFLECTIONS. The outcome is an IMPECABLE DIALOGUE. 

Everything is possible

I close this chapter  with a bit of humor, imagining what could happen if this post would end, by pure chance, into the hands of some politician…And as I love dreaming and believing that everything is possible, how would be a debate among politicians who honestly LISTEN TO EACH OTHER?

It would make me very  happy to receive  your opinions about it. It would be amazing to read yours ideas and start to interact with you all. I am sure you are very familiar with the concept that “four eyes see better than two…” I would add that the more ears available to listen the better …

I really wish I could read some of your comments in my  web and listen to you with all the attention and love you deserve.

Thank you for being here!  ?

How true is this expression, from any point of view…how many meanings it contains!

If we get back to our beginning in this world as human being made of flesh, the BELLY BUTTON is our first source of NOURISHMENT AND UNION with our mother.  The origin of COMMUNICATION to GIVE AND RECEIVE…. Impossible not to take this into account! From this perspective, it is obvious that we all are the belly button of the world, the first SELF-GIFT OF RECOGNITION TO ONESELF.

The belly button of the world

As soon as  we identify our WORTHINESS, irremediably our EGO comes into action, something like our dark side, the one that cuts the wings of our DIVINITY and puts in doubt the authenticity of our importance. I give you the following phrases as an example of what can invade our mental space, in the attempt to stop us from embracing the full happiness, that we deserve as a natural right.

The little voice starts off like a gun machine and says things like:

…”who do you think you are…”

…” you are so full of yourself…”

…”people will talk bad about you…”

…” it is better to be less outstanding…”

…will you be able to live with so much envy around you…?

…” you will be left all alone…”

Stop thinking

It is time to STOP THINKING like this…Mindfully we put a STOP to it, big like a house, before it becomes too late, before we get stuck in a LOOP, where the monster with seven heads makes us sweat buckets and a massive FEAR takes over us.  Read this for your inner side and repeat it in silence “ALL THIS IS JUST A MERE MENTAL FABRICATION AND IT DOES NOT EXIST…I ONLY CHOOSE THOUGHTS THAT MAKE ME FEEL GOOD.”

Just realize how we started this post and where we have arrived so far….   To this I add transcendence to that FIRST CENTRE OF VITAL ENERGY.

I insist, there are a lot of important matters going on under our belly button.  Everything that affects us has an impact there.  It connects us to our EMOTIONAL AND SEXUAL SELF.  It is the activation´s centre for our WILL, OUR INTERIOR STRENGHT AND  DETERMINATION TO START ANYNTHING.

Taoists consider it the SECOND CHAKRA. The following qualities are attributed to it:

  • Be our own HOME.
  • WATER is the essential element associated to it. Water is the beginning of our reality, the substance in which we cradle in the maternal womb for nine delicious months.
  • Just life´s chances; even though, those who know me a little bit or a bit more, are aware that from my point of view nothing happens by chance…My favorite color, ORANGE, appears like a flag, symbol for this second energetic centre.

The unusual idea

We could go on till the infinite and beyond, but I believe it is a virtue to know when to stop, to keep it interesting and not becoming heavy.

Now I would like to share with you how the unusual idea to write about belly buttons came to my mind.

Power to imagination!  I better write it down, because I am not even able to understand consciously the connection or disconnection that my neurons have activated by looking at the heart of the rose, shown at the beginning of this post.

I was staring at the nucleus of the rose and I took a picture. I was enjoying the perfection of the various layers of its petals, when suddenly, the image of concentric circles came to me, you know, those circles that take form when you throw a stone in a pond.  From there the expression…” the world´s belly button”.

Well…Holy madness!…I am not sure who is happier…the one who is sane or mad…

Everything starts with oneself

I would like to end this post by playing around with the pejorative or negative association usually made and well known “ to be the world´s belly button”. EVERYTHING STARTS WITH ONESELF and by looking at your own belly button, taking care and energizing oneself. Of course, naturally! How can I possibly respect you, my dear friend, if first, I do not respect myself?

SHARING IS LIVING, I always say it and I repeat it again and again, from a healthy SELFAWARENESS I nurture myself and retro-nurture from myself first, then, I share…THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO SHINE AND LET SHINE.


Al abrigo de una vela

How many WISHES OF MY SOUL have been granted at the light of a CANDLE?

Lighting a candle is a symbol of ILLUMINATION… It can be considered as well as an exercise of VOLUNTARY MINDFULNESS attracting to us our most desired PURPOSES AND EVERYTHING WE DESERVE. When the candles are lighted, it creates a link between our SPIRITUAL BEING AND OUR EMOTIONS, something like hugging and believing in our connection with a powerful and limitless SUPERIOR CREATIVE FORCE, present in each one of us and to which we are all indissolubly united…We are all one and make part of that UNIVERSAL ENERGY

Accompanied by a candle

Or this is how I feel it.  I love candles, I find great company in their LIGHT, in their CALM, in their WISDOM, silently whispering to me and I resonate with their MAGIC…At the end of the day that is mine too…I can pass large moments lost in the longitude of their flame, in their flaming or VIBRATIONAL MOVEMENT

It is said that Dr Usui, the founder of REIKI, was seen walking in the streets of Tokio with a lamp lighted in the middle of the day, like if he was a lighthouse, just to attract new students to this ancient and powerful energetic technique.

North & guide

It is very curious how the word “vela” (in English candle/sail) symbolizes the NORTH OR A GUIDE especially if it is referred to those parts of the ships without engine.  Once a candle has been lit, the wick illuminates and shows us THE WAY TO FOLLOW… THE NEXT STEP TO TAKE…THE (VELAS) SAILS OF A SHIP do exactly the same…it is enough to choose which one to put up…The GOD OF THE WINDS will take care of the rest…In any circumstances a CANDLE/SAIL shows us the DIRECTION, THE WAY…Either, when it is lit on top of a desk or up in a ship, in both cases it is like a BREATH OF ENERGY.

The use of candles is so powerful and yet so innocent. From a very tender age we use them to commemorate our JOURNEY IN THIS PHISICAL EXPERIENCE,  we crown the cake with candles to celebrate our birthday, RENEWING our LIVING ENERGY… A COMPROMISE WITH LIFE, from the moment we make a wish, from the bottom of our heart, before blowing and putting them off…A wish that we send with our deepest faith into the immense universe, with the certainty that our COSMIC REQUEST…will become TANGIBLE REALITY sooner or later.

Ancestral light

Everyone knows about its RELAXING power and personally it tele-transports me to very remotes times. I can imagine our primitive fellow human beings warming up by the heat of a bonfire, sharing LIGHT AND FOOD, sitting in the warmth and embraced in the magic of the embers…PRAYING with curious RITUALS to their god, in that moment the right ones for them.

I can see them doing an exercise of CONTROLLED AND MINDFUL MEDITATION, where they could increase their PERCEPTION, THEIR FOCUS ON CONCENTRATION… Able to reach deep levels of CONNECTION with their CREATOR, with that intuition which could lead them to decide whether to take a journey this way or that…Going out hunting the day after or painting the walls of the cave to leave proves they have been there…

Purifying light

The candles´ or bonfire´s light DETOX THE ENVIRONMENT, bringing an instant PURIFICATION, re-establishing HARMONY AND COSINESS to the surroundings.

Candles take us back to our ancestors, THE CROMAGNON MAN. He discovered that a wick could be kept burning by feeding it with animal fat and in that way, he could illuminate the cave during the night.  This is how candles started to bring light to the STONE AGE.

A step forward saw the use of oil, but this method of illumination came later on, around the xv century. 

I make a wish

I jump back to the present…otherwise I will get stuck in history and my imagination will go over the edge and I will lose the sense of time…as it is now time to close this space I share with you every week…There is no need to mention that a big candle always accompanies me, as usual…as you can see in the picture at the beginning of this post.

My dear friend: I am grateful for your time, your attention and I make a WISH: FOR YOU AND FOR ME…SO THAT ALL THE BEST ILLUMINATES US ALWAYS…LET IT BE LIKE THIS, I BLOW THE CANDLE…WISH GRANTED! ?

If I THINK in COLOR, I automatically FEEL HAPPYNESS…It seems like my HEART is widening to burst in an enormous SMILE …My shoulders expand from side to side, in harmony with my face, to reinforce that EMOTION which automatically boosts my MOOD.

I bet all on Colour

Almost MAGIC…how we can induce voluntarily our BRAIN to get into a DISPOSITION TOWARDS PLEASURE, simply in a blink…It is clear that, to this, we will have to add a full spoon of our best ally, WILLPOWER, to make sure that the recipe is spot on…A matter of practice, as everything.

We just need to put our eyes on a field full of poppies; this is the landscape that comes to my mind without thinking…Now, close your eyes to focus even more about the amazing ability that works inside you, that simple act of CONTROLLED IMAGINATION…Each one can reach his/her own conclusions and PERCEPTIONS…We already know that there is always SOMETHING SUITABLE FOR ALL TASTES

Something suitable for all tastes

While I was investigating a bit more, how our most important VISUAL ORGAN, the eyes, CAN PERCEIVE AND INTERPRET COLORS, I came across some interesting facts, which are worth mentioning.

As many other things, VISION as well, is extremely personal, even though some QUALITIES, which are defined by our VISUAL SENSORS, can or cannot absorb the light in the same way; qualities that are normally present in every human being.

I have always been very interested in the paradox between BLACK and WHITE. The two colors are apparently opposite. White is synonym of the color´s PRESENCE while black of its ABSENCE…Once again we come face to face with the everlasting POLARITIES.

White is associated with PURITY, black is often associated with PESSIMISM and FEAR, even though, it can be associated very much with perfect SOBRIETY AND ELEGANCE.

Our brain´s PERCEPTION OF THE COLORS is a natural phenomenon, able to contain all the combinations and permutations that we can possibly INMAGINE AND FEEL.

Motivational interest

There is no doubt, that one of the main functions of the color, is that, to ATTRACT THE ATTENTION in order to awake MOTIVATIONAL INTEREST.  This is one of the most basic reasons, fundamental for THE ART OF COLORS, OR CHROMOTHERAPY, to fully achieve its aim: RECOVER THE BALANCE. COLORS have the ability to MODIFY THE BODY´S VIBRATIONS… So, why do not we use them for our benefit?

I always use the same example. Through my personal experience, I am aware that, when I am in front of my wardrobe and all those hangers, I simply allow that the colors call me…there have been some occasions, when I have not been really conscious of my VITAL TONE of that day, not until I had to put on my clothes. It does not really matter if one day THE BLACK calls me and another day THE SHINING YELLOW; the most important, at least for me, is COHERENCE.

Maybe you need to live a SAD EMOTION for a while and dress in black…Or simply you want to have a walk in BLACK ELEGANCE. Personally, I love to MIX AND MATCH.

The deliberations and compromises are freely created by my mind; for example:

“I am going to dress in rigorous BLACK today, I feel like this and I BELIEVE IT IS NICE AND NECESSARY TO LIVE EVERY EMOTION… I will feel a little bit SAD… but when I will fall into FRIVOLITY AND VICTIMISM…then I will shake them away and it will be the right moment to take out that PINK FUCHSIA pashmina from my bag to revive once again,  like the phoenix , and rise from my ashes… Shake it away from myself, fill my SOUL AND MY FACE WITH  LIGHT AND COLOR… welcoming the emotion of HOPE accompanied hand in hand by her sister: HAPPINESS.

Color and intention

Now you see… I can perceive COLORS AND EMOTIONS in such a marvelous way; this is how I live and understand them…like the waves of the sea, I flow easily…but I still DECIDE WITH FREEWILL…living EVERY EMOTIONAL SEASON…All of them are beautiful, useful, THE WIDE RANGE OF COLORS, like a rainbow or like a FAN OF SENSATIONS, openly deployed in front of us.  Nature supplies all we need…The rainy and sunny moments, all beautiful and necessary.

Can you imagine the monotony of living in a flat world, a rainbow with just a few colors or a life in continuous LAUGHS OR TEARS…?

Put COLOR AND INTENTION in everything, day and night.  Prepare your sharpener and FIND ALL THE COLORS YOU CAN IN ANY SITUATION.


milagrosa agua

Just water…nothing more and nothing less…That LIQUID ELEMENT so BASIC, yet integral part of our life. I have always been a fervent supporter of its NATURAL POWERS.  My jar of water and I, are like siamese twins, inseparable. People say it does not taste of anything…to me, it tastes like glory, like PURE LIFE, AN ESSENTIAL PART of my being. It is a living element, so alive on its own, that there are experiments showing THE WATER‘S BEHAVIOUR. 

Miracolous Water

MASARU EMOTO is a Japanese scientist dedicated to the study of this miracolous ELEMENT OF THE CREATION, who states, that in the same way we talk to plants, when we are talking to the water, using BEAUTIFUL WORDS AND FEELING POSITIVE EMOTIONS, we are adding an EMOTIONAL PLUS to the way we feed them; and to the internal structure of water, we add an EQUILIBRIUM AND FORM OF GREAT BEAUTY.

On the contrary, if we transmit A NEGATIVE EMOTION to it, we can observe under the microscope, that the VIBRATION AND THE SHAPES of the water’s particles show an unbalanced and chaotic structure. 

Lively energy

Many of you would ask : what do I want to prove with this? The answer is clear: everything around us is LIVELY ENERGY and for this reason, we feel the ECHO of its surrounding. We are VIBRATIONS resonating into the universe.  

Does this sound familiar to you? “…I don’t know why, but I like this person less than that one….simply VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY…nor better, neither worst..some people love Kiss FM more, others Onda Melodia…The same happens with people…This is why some people disappear from our life and others start to appear..It is very curious, observe this.  

Essential for our life

Going back to the element we are dealing with, I remember there is a business which is totally focused on offering DIFFERENT TYPES OF WATERS…I must admit that, to be catalogued as an element which is ODOURLESS, COLORLESS AND TASTELESS,  there must be much more about it, that we would have thought. It is undeniable, water is ESSENTIAL FOR OUR LIFE and that we are made with more than 70% of it.

Let us wake up ladies and gentlemen, we come from the sea… our TEARS ARE SALTY and my apologies, in case it may involuntarily sound rude, even our mucus is! 

We HAVE BEEN GESTATED DURING NINE MONTHS IN AMNIOTIC FLUID, the composition of which is quite similar to our SALTY BLOOD PLASMA and this last has a salt’s content quite similar to SEA WATER.

I was not wrong at all, when years ago I used to cure my kids’ colds and coughs, exclusively with lot of PHYSIOLOGICAL SALINE SOLUTION…Back then, I had no idea about its benefits, but my intuition was reluctant towards the use of ANTIBIOTICS and EXPECTORANTS suggested by the paediatrician.

Exactly like water does…

At this point, I just make a PERSONAL REFLEXION…and…as it usually happens, without even realising it, some MENTAL IMAGES popped up…How would life be, if only we could develop the habit to let it FLOW NATURALLY? Exactly like water does…without OBBLIGATIONWITH GRACEFULNESS AND GREAT SIMPLICITY…almost WITHOUT PRETENSIONS…able to go where the path leads…without holding back…IN A PERFECT ORDER, LIKE A CONCERT…always able to make its own way.

Water is a source of life

After this moment, when I was almost living in a day dream, I am going back to pay homage to my favourite drink (a glass of good wine, now and then, is always very welcome as well…)

Time for a little bit of history about our origin. WE COME OUT FROM THE DEEP SEA. Our first predecessors and living creatures take us back milions of years, when they originated in a MARINE HABITAT. 

THERE IS NO LIFE WITHOUT WATER…WATER IS A SOURCE OF LIFE. After all this…if our own BLOOD PLASMA contains a high percentage of SEA SALT, it would be a great idea to add a small quantity of sea water to our jug of tap water and RE-BALANCE OUR INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT.  

If you decide or not to do it, my dear friend, my intention was that together, we could get as close as possible to the so many and curious things that MOTHER NATURE offers us.

I end this post in an unusual way but …I hope you will enjoy it! 


Sit down or lay down if you prefer. Close your eyes. Let us submerge for a moment in our beginning. Let us go back to the comfort of the maternal uterus.

Let us go back to our original element, water. Water that hugs us, makes us feel warm and receives us…The temperature is perfect, we cradle in that element of infinite love, the beginning of the PURITY AND PERFECTION OF OUR BEING.

Everything is CLEAR, CALM AND PLEASANT…FEEL IT…Stay for as long as you like, let your soul decide intuitively….FEEL SAFE…turning around and around in harmony …EVERYTHING IS PEACEFUL…EVERYTHING IS LOVE. ?

Jugar vs Juzgar

Somewhere, in a place…I am unable to recall now, I saw a drawing…What really impressed me, was the question written at the bottom of that drawing; AN IMPACTING REFLECTION…it said something like this “At what stage of our life, did we stop being PLAYING CHILDREN and become JUDGEMENTAL ADULTS”?

Impacting…is it not?   But it is so real as it is now 20.00, nighttime and I can see it through the window, from behind my desk.

Playing vs Judging

I remember when I used to take my children to the park, enjoying observing THE HUMAN BEHAVIOUR AND INTERACTIONS of THOSE LITTLE PEOPLE.

From a young age, THE FFELING OF BELONGING TO A GROUP is almost INSTICTIVE, so inherent to the human race as breathing is. From our very tender age, we PUT OURSELVES FORWARD and we form our own IDENTITY through the interactions we establish with those around us.

Thinking animals

The SMALLEST we are, THE PUREST and this is why we can find more affinities to the ANIMALS´ behaviors…At the end of the day, we are THINKING ANIMALS…are we not? 

I make myself clearer: an animal defends its territory, its cubs and fights for its survival. In the same way, when we are just kids, the younger we are, the more this attitude can be appreciated, we slap the one who tries to take away our favorite toy, but at times we are able to LEND OUR HAND to that, who is crying because he fell down or because another colleague took advantage of a moment of distraction and snatched his yellow lorry, simply attracted by the shining color of that toy.

Well, during that afternoon in the park among sand, swings and slides, my mind came up with the following question “When does it happen exactly, that we, adults, start to DAMAGE AND CONTAMINATE those minds, almost divine for their SIMPLICITY AND EASINESS and transform those small adorable people into JUDGEMENTAL MACHINES?

Emotional bagages

I am not going to discover anything new under this sun. It is quite useless to point out that we transmit this from GENERATION TO GENERATION and I suppose that we use the monosyllable “NO” as the star of the party and we apply it to every child´s movement, from the begin of the beginnings, without even realizing and with our best intention of course, but almost in a compulsive way.

We give ourselves plenty of reasons to do so, and with tenderness, but through an AUTOMATIC BEHAVIOUR, we discharge our FRUSTRATIONS, OUR RIGIDITY AND FEARS on those small souls, who absorb everything like sponges and start filling their EMOTIONAL BAGAGES with weights.

Emotional healing

I insist and emphasize again and again, that the best INHERITANCE we can leave to our children is OUR OWN EMOTIONAL HEALING. As we are energy, we can contribute directly to THE HEALING OF OUR FAMILY´S TREE.

Therefore, we can go back and RE-WRITE those events we lived with FEAR, WITH PAIN OR STRESS, neutralize them in our MEMORY and by doing so, we can revisit those moments with a different perspective, much more favorable than before.

Exercise of courage and willpower

At the end of the day, it is an EXERCISE OF COURAGE AND WILLPOWER, something like taking off onion´s layers, till you reach the core.  That VIRGIN CORE, even though is very well hidden, is waiting to be rescued and taken back to see the light again.

It is a GO BACK IN TIME, with care, with confidence and with TONS OF WILLPOWER, a regression to that moment, when we were THE LITTLE BOY OR THE LITTLE GIRL PLAYING IN THE SLIDE, ENJOYING ONCE AGAIN LIFE, READY TO LEND THE HAND TO WHOEVER may need it, with the ADVANTAGES OF OUR OWN EXPERIENCE… if I put my hand to close to the fire I know I will get burnt; so when there is a MUTUAL RESPECT, I HELP YOU, but when this is not the case, I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST…but I prefer to go on with my journey.

There is another way to see things

There is another way to see things as everything depends on the EYE OF THE OBSERVER.

If I manage TO LOVE MYSELF ENOUGH, so to avoid judging myself, I will be able to CONSIDER YOU IN THE SAME WAY I DID WITH MYSELF, my dear friend. I may possibly disagree with you, but I WILL NOT JUDGE YOU


This is a courteous sentence used in every corner of the world when we are being introduced to someone new… It is used as well to say goodbye when we take leave of that same person, unknown to us until then.

Apparently, it may seem just that…but…what if we use our finger and scratch a little bit deeper?

Pleased to meet you

I am one of those people who firmly believe that everyone in this world has SOMENTHING TO SAY…meaning…that every input is interesting… In the same way that different ingredients blend and enrich a stew, creating a delicious SYMBIOSIS of flavors, so different POINTS OF VIEW can have the same outcome…the more diverse the better, because they SPEAK MORE ABOUT OUR OWN SELF… the more uncomfortable we feel by what the other is telling us, the more certain we can be,that THERE IS A MESSAGE DIRECTLY WRITTEN FOR US… this is how we move from …”pleased to meet you” to ..” pleased to meet myself…”

Let us start chopping and mixing the ingredients for a better understanding

Express judgements and verdicts

Situation: some good friends invite us to their house…it is a group of 6…relax…seeing the circumstances we are experiencing at present the size of the group is very important…! We introduce one another saying inevitably “pleased to meet you” all around…

After the typical introductory questions like …where do you live… ?  what do you do…?  do you have children…?  once the FORM IS FILLED, our brain processes the details automatically, going through some MENTAL OR HEURISTIC SHORTCUTS, to then EXPRESS JUDGEMENTS AND VERDICTS that will allocate those people to a PRE-DETERMINED CATEGORY.

Human inter-relationships

It is a very simplistic way to TAKE DECISIONS and DESCRIBE PEOPLE´S PERSONALITIES…basic HUMAN INTER-RELATIONSHIPS. To make it easier: when you go to a large supermarket to do your shopping, you just need to look up and in a second you will understand how everything has been allocated in its PRODUCTS´S CATEGORY…this is why, when I see the sign jams and bakery from far away, I am pretty sure that over there I will find muffins and biscuits too.

This is how we function, my dear friends; should this not be the case, it would be practically and almost impossible to live our daily life…which is becoming every time more complicated.

Personal uncomfortability

We could start talking about it now…but this belongs to another chapter…who knows , maybe the topic of another post down the line…Today we will focus on that moment of PERSONAL UNCOMFORTABILITY …the emotion that supposedly,  the man or woman we have just met and with whom we are sharing the table, is making us feel… it is so intense that our HANDS START TO SWEAT, THE HEART BEATS FASTER and we soon realize how our whole body is flooded with an unstoppable FEELING OF RAGE…during the evening one of the group has drunk a bit too much and started speaking nonsense, raising  his voice more than usual …nothing excessive, nor scandalous… I think he is saying stupidities, for sure…as they are stupidities… but one of the guests brings back in his mind THE SHAME AND THE IMPOTENCE he used to feel when his father had too many drinks during the family gatherings and became verbally abusive against his mother… he LIVES IT AGAIN, so intensely, that his body, at a PHYSICAL level, starts to re-create the same PHYSICAL REACTIONS…and this is how we find ourselves trapped in AN EMOTIONAL LOOP!

That person could automatically become a POTENTIAL ENEMY…to be OBJECTIVE the only thing he did, was to have a glass too much and say some stupidities…but we are so immersed in that past experience that we live the THREATHEN AS REAL… it is so vivid that nothing or nobody is able to take us away from that focus.

Practicity and evolution

It is time to TAKE CONTROL and press the STOP button with all our human and divine consciousness … BECOMING AWARE of THE NIGHTMARE we are re-experiencing with our eyes wide open and get back to the normality of our vital rhythm … Why do we need to torture ourselves over and over with the same story?  I give you the answer…for NO REASON!  It is only a way to enjoy our DAMAGING SELF-PITY and carry on inflicting PAIN to ourselves.

I advocate for PRACTICITY AND EVOLUTION… I am grateful to the MESSENGER and for THE MESSAGE, which is definitely directed to you, my dear friend, if it has touched your soul so deeply.



I REMEMBER MYSELF AS A CHILD… I remember my head, lying on top of the pillow in my bed…I remember my eyes closed… I was half asleep, speaking to THE THREE KINGS… especially to Balthasar, my favorite King, telling him: “bring me what I have asked you for…come on, I am sure you can…even though there are many kids in this world… you can deliver all the presents to everyone… this is why you are a MAGIC KING

Just do it!

I have always been very reasonable with my requests…I think that from a very young age I had more enjoyment IMAGINING HOW THE PRESENT WAS GOING TO BE than touching and seeing the present itself… the combination of FANTASY AND REALITY has always marked and framed my existence… the EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE is part of my being…almost like breathing…

Now I have lost the FEAR of the past…or better, I have realized I can recognize it perfectly when it appears trying to take control over me…now I have the ANTIDOTE… I can see it…I go over it…and I know that beyond it, there is a marvelous PEACEFUL haven…similar to that feeling of shouting and trembling when jumping in the emptiness…with the adrenaline invading your body…knowing with total certainty, I am on the right track because something is telling me …JUST DO IT…!


I disconnect my MENTAL HEAD, I let myself go, following what the heart tells me to do…even though it may seem senseless…if you hear the call…JUST DO IT… do not think…just feel it…jump…!

You see, my dear friend, I have just had my birthday celebration and I am getting younger…UNCOMPLICATING MYSELF, EMBRACING NEW SENSATIONS…anyone could think I am not evolving…but it is not true…my internal thermometer tells me “ every time you are developing your abilities more and more, every time is more natural TO MAKE A DECISION …every time you are getting closer to  YOUR ESSENCE…every time you become one with your INNER CHILD…every time you know yourself more and better.. “

The responsibility of the story is totally yours

I share a few lines I have just written while on the kitchen´s table, after having a few delicious slices of pineapple…and they read like this “ I am writing to you my girl…the one you were once, and still are…just to tell you, I am here with you…TODAY AND ALWAYS…I hug you and I whisper to you: put on LOVE AND PEACE…feel and be aware that your TRANSFORMATION has already happened, fuse yourself in your THREE SPIRITS: past, present and future. Start to taste from the deepest of your WORTHINESS the NEW GOLDEN ERA, so close to you as your own breathing…take pen and paper and start with ONCE UPON A TIME and WHAT YOU LIKE THE MOST

THE PLOT OF YOUR MASTERPIECE…it is totally yours…you can add or remove anything you please…stop…carry on; if you have it very clear, you decide the rhythm, the color and the taste too…so THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE STORY is totally yours as well.  The story I am offering you is as real as life itself…you already know I am a believer of work in action…meaning that without EXPERIMENTS we are simply talking about PROJECTS but not ACTIONS.


Imagine, visualize, take action, make mistakes…but please, I ask you, ACT! …above all, do not deceive yourself, trying to hide behind one of those roles you play with perfection…so perfect, you almost believe it is THE REAL YOU… but deep inside, in that magic space we all have and call conscience, you know it is not real.

In case this can facilitate your journey, I offer you a simple practice: start with small daily actions. I call it the GAME OF YES AND NO.  It is a way to become aware, at least three times per day, of how we say NO meaning a massive YES and vice versa…and I believe this last one is the most frequent.

You are faithful to yourself

A PRACTICAL CASE: your neighbor rings the bell: “Hello…how are you…? Blah blah…I am sorry to bother you, but look at my head, it is full of grey hair and I have nobody to look after my little girl while I go to the hairdresser…would you mind if I leave her here to play with your kids…if I bring her with me, she will get bored to death and it will be a pain in the neck…do not feel obliged, tell me honestly, from your heart…” You, on the other side…yes, with the smile overstretched for what she has just thrown at you…but then, you say to yourself…”  bear with it…you do not feel like it at all…but…come on…do not be a bad person…”

Now we have just put the salt into the wound: if I say what I really would like to say and answer NO in capital letters, I would feel I am a bad person…because this is the way we have been taught…analyzing the situation in more details: I prefer to say NO to myself than say NO to you…whatever the choice I AM LETTING MYSELF DOWN…if I say no to my neighbor I will feel THE SENSE OF CULPABILITY and if I say YES I am suffocating  what my inner self is telling me and what I really want to do…do we agree on this?

Invest in yourself

There is an option in the middle, which is the one where YOU ARE FAITHFUL TO YOURSELF and recognize if YOU WANT TO DO SOMETHING OR NOT, well beyond the SELF-CENSURE… In the end, we are always the creators of our own limits..  if in reality you do not want to do it or it is not the best moment, YOU APPLY THE RIGHT COHERENCE TO YOURSELF and with the best of your smiles, you answer “well today is not the best day…it is my free afternoon…the kids are studying in their room, and I am preparing a relaxing bath so that I will not be able to look after her…I hope you understand…”

SIMPLE as that…it is only a matter of PRACTICE…it is called INVESTING IN THINKING I wish you, from the bottom of my heart, that your best present for the new year, which is about to start, will be to INVEST IN YOURSELF.


25 de diciembre

The countdown has started…we are 6 days away from the end of the year 2020.  If we add up the numbers and we reduce them to their value, the result is obviously 4…a number that spiritually speaking, is associated with the earth and the strengths of nature: four are the seasons, the cardinal points and the natural elements…

December 25th

I like to play with numbers…they contain the meaning and bring the explanation of everything we can imagine… music itself is pure numerology… In every day that goes by I can find more meaning in the numbers…taking into account they used to tell me I was better with letters…well, at least, this is the LABEL they gave me or the one I gave myself from the moment my memory can recall…

Not long ago, while I was talking to my son Pablo, who is attending his third year at university studying Mathematics, he told me: “I believe that, to like or not to like a specific subject, depends a lot on the professor appointed to you… and how he/she explains it, makes all the difference… if you had understood it as you do, when I explain it to you, I am pretty sure you would have loved it.” I totally agree with this opinion.

Infinite opportunities

Thinking properly about it, I have always used a lot the LOGIC OF THE ABSTRACT NUMBERS, without even being aware of it. At the end of the day, in the abstract, the CONCRETE is contained as well. CREATIVITY offers us infinite opportunities.

In the same way that all roads lead to Rome, all BELIEFS converge in one. Well beyond the religious concepts or dogmas, there is a COMMON IDEOLOGY, shared by all human beings with ethical and moral values, that I would resume as follows: “do good without looking at who”… Leaving on one side borders or colors, have you ever asked yourself how our planet would be if we could add a pinch of CON-SCIENCE (awareness) AND CON-CIENCE ( awareness without judgement of good and evil) in every daily small individual or shared act? From the simple act of holding the piece of paper until the next rubbish bin, in the next corner, to greeting with honest feeling every person we come across every morning, continuing with, letting the pass to an old woman coming towards us in a narrow passage…the list could be endless

Con-science and con-cience

Let us analyze it in more details: through our CONSCIENCE we become aware of our OWN EXISTENCE.  Things start to complicate when we get to the word CONCIENCE without the “S” (it is a play of words that works in Spanish, indicating awareness without judgement of good and evil). This is irremediably attached to the ANCESTRAL AND IMPLACABLE LABEL OF THE JUDGEMENTS.  For me there is another simple way to see it. Take a seat, my dear friends and let us experience it together.  

I close my eyes: I VISUALISE myself sitting comfortably in a chair of a large theatre. I AM the only and unique spectator at the same time. It is like a kind of SPLITTING process of yourself. Keep your eyes closed and imagine that the theatre curtains go up and for your big surprise, you see yourself on the STAGE. Imagine the scene, the one that you like the most, on one condition though; you can direct the scene without judging yourself. Believe me, this is the most difficult task for everyone, because we directly get into our PREDETERMINED MENTAL SCHEMES, where our conscience is the result of ethical and moral rules, passed down to us from generation to generation, century after century.

Always act with other people as you would like they act with you

In my opinion, there is a much easier way, and it can be summarized with the following simple words: “always act with other people as you would like they act with you”.

Having said this, the two sentences and their concepts are getting close in meaning, and the result would be something like this: I stop and through the OBSERVATION OF MY OWN SELF, I wish myself all the best, from the bottom of my heart; and I do the same with you too. Now, who is going to tell me that we cannot do this…? Obviously, we will have to deal a bit or a lot, depending on the circumstances, with our beloved EGO, often demonized but it is fundamental to transit through our daily existence and at times put ourselves in our place.

This is the special moment in which we realize that the greatest love, respect, self-care understanding, etc… must be addressed to ourselves first of all, so that we avoid overloading the endless list of requirements presented to those around us, to feel complete.

I go back to the beginning of this post, to the numbers, to their meaning and to their SYMBOLOGY.  In concrete terms number 25, in the spiritual world, is synonym of new beginnings and new opportunities.


